u ah u....
所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2002-12-30 18:13  评分:

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i can't input Chinese now either.

But, always u disappear when i want to find you then come out just without any indication.

Drop a mail to my mailbox yd_zheng@yahoo.com so I know how to contact you.

And, pls, re-register your old ID wei wei and hu bu, I feel uncomfortable if they are registered by others. Ask me or tech ppl if there is any problem.

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【原创文学】smile hubu   (317 bytes , 971reads )
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u ah u.... 大象   (357 bytes , 396reads )
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he silently contacted me already 大象   (17 bytes , 166reads )
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I am fine hubu   (79 bytes , 219reads )
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How are you? hubu   (73 bytes , 206reads )
读到的人是有福的。 绿腰   (0 bytes , 139reads )
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