所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2006-12-01 18:19

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异族代言人 The most unpleasant thing about human beings is that they don't metamorphose. Your people and mine are born as grubs, but we transform ourselves into a higher form before we reproduce. Human beings remain grubs all their lives.-- 《Xenocide》
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【原创文学】20061130 日子   (1002 bytes , 667reads )
貌似多条是从冷笑话里改编过来的,但还是很搞笑。 行水非鱼   (0 bytes , 318reads )
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你应该不适合学理科。 fool   (0 bytes , 179reads )
挺好笑的。^^ Anglican变种   (2 bytes , 187reads )
请赐教! fool   (0 bytes , 157reads )
好冷啊好冷啊。。。 明月楼   (57 bytes , 217reads )