所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2007-02-04 19:26

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好多年没看到过了!!!!! 无比怀念。我这辈子死之前一定还要看一次!


异族代言人 The most unpleasant thing about human beings is that they don't metamorphose. Your people and mine are born as grubs, but we transform ourselves into a higher form before we reproduce. Human beings remain grubs all their lives.-- 《Xenocide》
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【桐音别馆】八卦宇宙论vs行星运行定律(二) hash   (20241 bytes , 1964reads )
up~~ 尘微   (28 bytes , 255reads )
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晕,去年没看到这个帖子。 香陵居士   (284 bytes , 300reads )
顶了 印象派   (99 bytes , 494reads )
被托勒密的火星运行图吓到了 Coffin   (68 bytes , 431reads )
Hash, 关于科学史,有什么书可以推荐的吗? Coffin   (12 bytes , 369reads )
培养兴趣先吧。 hash   (127 bytes , 375reads )
终于有时间看完了 Anglican变种   (16 bytes , 375reads )
小时候常看银河,抬头就看到。 materialist   (36 bytes , 408reads )
真难为你了。查了不少资料吧? 无为哥哥   (0 bytes , 335reads )
这篇好看,比(一)还好看 大象   (0 bytes , 376reads )
咳咳 沈喑   (305 bytes , 522reads )
偶觉得下篇比较dry watercooler   (49 bytes , 424reads )
呵呵,欢迎拍砖 hash   (0 bytes , 362reads )
好看~ 明月楼   (30 bytes , 383reads )
给大家看着玩的,很多想法很不成熟。 hash   (152 bytes , 405reads )
很好看。。。 watercooler   (57 bytes , 427reads )
UP 省思   (0 bytes , 344reads )
当“美”独自前进时, 黛玉   (57 bytes , 428reads )
汗,这句话罪魁是我 sarah   (591 bytes , 421reads )
从自己肚子里直接屙出一个艺术来 江南渔夫   (9 bytes , 422reads )
激动!!!! 明月楼   (122 bytes , 435reads )
老家的银河 happyforest   (100 bytes , 468reads )
你老家在哪里呀 沈喑   (177 bytes , 439reads )
握手握手 sarah   (56 bytes , 425reads )
福州郊县的一个岛上。地方贫瘠, 唯山里的清风与天上的银河为造物主的无尽珍藏也。 happyforest   (27 bytes , 456reads )
应该不是现在的银河 省思   (412 bytes , 432reads )
!!!! hash   (47 bytes , 383reads )
sigh,楼上是我。。。 sarah   (0 bytes , 382reads )