魔戒3:王者无敌/The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
黑客帝国3:革命/The Matrix Revolutions
杀死比尔/Kill Bill
怒海争锋/Master and Commander
惊声尖笑3/Scary Movie 3
最后的武士/The Last Samurai
整十码/The Whole Ten Yards
大鱼/Big Fish
贴身兄弟/Stuck on You
爱是妥协/Something"s Gotta Give
小飞侠/Peter Pan
冷山/Cold Mountain
蒙娜丽莎的微笑/Mona Lisa Smile
难耐的残酷/Intolerable Cruelty
华纳巨星总动员/Looney Tunes: Back in Action
裸体切割/In the Cut
人性的污点/The Human Stain
凶宅/Cold Creek Manor
二手狮子/Secondhand Lions
幽灵鬼屋/The Haunted Mansion
熊的传说/Brother Bear
荒野寻踪/The Missing
边城英烈传/The Alamo