what's his/her name? Heard the movie is really
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2003-11-20 01:32

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Perfect Yourself First! Perfect Myself First!
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收到lectuer写来的考后的一封信。。。很有感触。。 冰冻的薰衣草   (658 bytes , 1107reads )
how come I didn't get the email from the lecturer? 顽哆拉   (0 bytes , 151reads )
总体来说,他还不错,除了可能会把你憋死。 小男孩   (150 bytes , 295reads )
这句话最有特点 小男孩   (219 bytes , 312reads )
what's his/her name? Heard the movie is really fool   (5 bytes , 242reads )
WONG WEI KANG 小男孩   (0 bytes , 160reads )
全文如下 molecular   (2972 bytes , 573reads )
问一个,freeback那里,lecturer会看到吗? 麥兜   (45 bytes , 247reads )
现在很后悔啊。。。 iloveyouso   (50 bytes , 385reads )
现在还在为CS2105拼搏 陆冲   (218 bytes , 367reads )
那门课开卷又怎么样? 紫羊   (12 bytes , 252reads )