所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2003-12-13 19:09

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这种bitch谁要(气愤ing) 圣子道   (670 bytes , 2017reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. 圣子道   (272 bytes , 96reads )
老兄,你真TMD可怜,连BITCH都不要你 凄凄   (0 bytes , 229reads )
慢慢气,别气死就好了 凄凄   (0 bytes , 215reads )
建议你去看一片文章 pig_119   (134 bytes , 278reads )
这么久了,你怎么一点进步都没有 树熊   (92 bytes , 266reads )
up~ Poseidon   (0 bytes , 176reads )
这个要顶 凄凄   (0 bytes , 209reads )
我说你吧! silly_panda   (47 bytes , 288reads )
你是谁啊? ajsux   (36 bytes , 271reads )
呵呵,想必... silly_panda   (18 bytes , 232reads )
不同意!! ajsux   (0 bytes , 160reads )
feeling so cold... 妖妖@_@   (0 bytes , 178reads )
自我感觉良好 血猫   (466 bytes , 483reads )
我就奇怪, silly_panda   (201 bytes , 297reads )
???????(@_@)???????? 血猫   (0 bytes , 255reads )
俺不是说你哦,猫,我市支持你才发在你低下的!! silly_panda   (0 bytes , 212reads )
(:D)MUAK 血猫   (0 bytes , 248reads )
鄙视你! wjyms   (347 bytes , 322reads )
nod nod~~man like him kana really CNMI....cblc stacy1986   (0 bytes , 197reads )
有的男人毫不掩饰地看外表选老婆,实质不也一样么? 绿油油   (14 bytes , 308reads )
take it easy,man 帝释天   (255 bytes , 308reads )
男人是考physical给女人划分等级的, SuperStylin   (277 bytes , 374reads )
你也是个没见过女人的男人,要不就是个肤浅的女人 silly_panda   (71 bytes , 270reads )
说的有点道理,当警句了 SuperStylin   (0 bytes , 182reads )
这种女人国内是挺多的,但.... 圣子道   (82 bytes , 357reads )
稍安毋躁,钱,其实挺好的。 蒋鲤   (83 bytes , 283reads )
什么样的环境造就什么样的人,也不完全她的错 felix   (0 bytes , 197reads )
so what MCzz   (46 bytes , 421reads )
agree SuperStylin   (0 bytes , 152reads )
哎,我跟这儿说句废话啊 ajsux   (114 bytes , 350reads )
没有了那么夸张了..我们每个星期都有两次训练进gym 圣子道   (22 bytes , 318reads )
这很正常吧。。。 飞天鸭2   (0 bytes , 187reads )
说到底是你自己气不过 飞天鸭2   (0 bytes , 158reads )
Calm down man, it's not worthy to be irritated... ajsux   (0 bytes , 190reads )
bitch is for being F*cked, with pay perhaps! banban   (354 bytes , 389reads )
tat one i heard alre...not bad..especially MTV... 圣子道   (0 bytes , 221reads )
大家都有选择的权利 海风   (252 bytes , 340reads )
也许钱钱之于某些女生正如美貌之于某些男生 tianruo   (98 bytes , 341reads )
bad mouth others proves u such a big loser...shame stacy1986   (6 bytes , 282reads )
sigh... everyone has the right to choose simon   (29 bytes , 324reads )
如果你exgf漂亮的话 无聊至极   (123 bytes , 293reads )
我说了只有这种女人...你可别陷我与不义.... 圣子道   (0 bytes , 188reads )
不要一棒子打死,还是有很多女性同胞不错的 帅温柔   (0 bytes , 169reads )