HOLA!!!!!!!!!AMIGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!Happy CNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2005-02-07 01:20  评分:

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Hey yo ppl.dont knoe how many of ya stil recognize me.Wel,4 those who dont,go ask yo seniors,let em tel ya mah story as a friggin' joke.ya knoe who i am,y'all should knoe who da fug i aaaaam. Mah main ID wuz lost,damn.But suprisingly diz one still got thru. Miss y'all .Life in NUS wuz part of mah memory.CSC games iz comin' up.wish yo guyz gals especially those who involved in em basketball match !hav fun and a happy CNY. Juz decided,I ain't gon B back cuz im rah now doin' gud.Graduated,makin' bucks.getin' mah nu hommiez ,hoes,mah dope,mah doe.Rite.Juz like some of ya think.usin' mah talent,realisin' mah dream. So,fellaz out dea.Work hard ,play hard.gettin' life like yo should. peace out.alloyo.


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HOLA!!!!!!!!!AMIGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!Happy CNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 黑删老妖   (798 bytes , 1121reads )
@_@ 米小米   (18 bytes , 184reads )
@.@... 印象派   (0 bytes , 166reads )
hey~~~ finally some news from you! we dunman people are gathering for CNY eve 绿油油   (251 bytes , 262reads )
halo. 看来这次焉知非福,一批老淫又回来廖 MrDJay   (0 bytes , 209reads )
哈哈, 半夜显灵了 江南渔夫   (30 bytes , 244reads )
have fun man! simon   (0 bytes , 168reads )
..........跟主贴的 simon   (0 bytes , 193reads )
喵呜。。。偶也要抱抱。。。 流氓兔兔   (53 bytes , 268reads )
:P那我也跳出来抱一个好了... 妖精小熏   (19 bytes , 387reads )
救命。。。陈年老鬼出来吓人了。。。=P guigui   (0 bytes , 184reads )
where are you? fitz   (0 bytes , 212reads )
Yo,com'on,fellaz, 黑删老妖   (79 bytes , 327reads )