【星梦奇缘】lookind for a suitable boy friend
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2005-07-26 13:55  评分:

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One of my friend came from tai wan to singapore 3 monthes ago, she was feeling lonely and now looking for a suitable boy friend.

Information of her:
Age:22 height 1.65m, weight 48KG, quite pretty,NTU year 1
handphoone Number:98523184 (sms your information 1st before call)

Criteria of Mrs Right:
Height:1.70+ (1.70 and 1.70- will not be considered)
Age:23 and 23+
appearance: AVerage+

Currently not available ppl are not allowed and she will not entertain them.
Looking forward ur sms. thanks

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【星梦奇缘】lookind for a suitable boy friend xiaoyang   (497 bytes , 1078reads )
Mrs Right,恩,不懂 媚灵狐   (0 bytes , 194reads )
怀特先生....=_=!! 小豆   (0 bytes , 178reads )
就是要丈夫姓Right的女人,就是...她要女人 Chaosy   (0 bytes , 263reads )
Support.. iloveyouso   (30 bytes , 302reads )
if u r interested, plz sms ur detailed information to her xiaoyang   (0 bytes , 223reads )
SMS? 是虾米? iloveyouso   (0 bytes , 172reads )
她是什么星座的?不知道和我的配不配... Chaosy   (0 bytes , 315reads )
faint.. machilus   (20 bytes , 365reads )
哈哈,我很好奇.... 树袋猪   (22 bytes , 248reads )