sounds like a good man.. but when a good man continues doing good like this.
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2007-03-29 17:08

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womand just dont realize, and accept like it is his duty, and complains when he does any thing not so good, even if that is good enough.

once she loses him, she starts to think of his good. she cries and begs him to come back. he said ok. he did the job as good as usual, but the mood changed, the heart changed, there is no way for them to stay long. as the woman will not change for him, she is still proud of owning this good man or good server, and is still angry with his tiny mistakes. she just do not respect the man, who really wanna treat her good.

i always remember this. there is no duty for anyone else to treat me good. if anyone did so, i will respect that and remember that and retreat him/her back.

who will get the real happiness? i think is the one who knowing the other's good, and respect that. for those picking others' mistakes, they are suffering, always.

Forgive yourself before others forgive you. Peace.
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