We're innocent
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2007-05-06 09:50

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
We came from Mars to ensure the survival of the species Homo sapiens on the third rock from the sun in the solar system.

To that end, we gave up our honour and dignity, and endured thousands of years of humiliation to be called lewd and unfaithful.

Some of us couldn't bear the suffering anymore. They betrayed the course. They turn to each other for comfort.

But those who have persevered will swear by our noble mission and carry out our duty deligently and faithfully.

That's why you're in our mind. That's why you're on our heart. And that's why you're the only thing and everything we desire.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
很郁闷,心情很不好 primrose   (842 bytes , 2596reads )
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是啊。蓝言知己很不好。 materialist   (38 bytes , 283reads )
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…… 花心大哥   (0 bytes , 199reads )
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就找别的男生打打差什么的 小土   (464 bytes , 662reads )
小土mm说得真好! Elsa   (18 bytes , 382reads )
This is common, please read a book 江南渔夫   (823 bytes , 650reads )
阿~!!这可是我在NIE借的第一本书呢~怀念阿~ 维佳   (56 bytes , 414reads )
我觉得那本书写的。。 小土   (108 bytes , 409reads )
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这本书真是不错的,读了之后受益匪浅 蓝莓儿   (53 bytes , 303reads )
男人的脑子。。 nazi   (73 bytes , 541reads )
两个状态 小土   (14 bytes , 441reads )
We're innocent EarlGrey   (602 bytes , 522reads )
楼主的文字调调像新加坡道貌岸然的男人 小土   (637 bytes , 528reads )
哇~听起来真恐怖。。。。。。。。希望我家宠物永远也不这样 piggy99   (0 bytes , 243reads )
。。。说的真理直气壮。哈哈。 雨洋   (0 bytes , 194reads )
确实 soc胖浪人   (0 bytes , 220reads )
哇!mm说出了很多女生的心声啊~我也有过类似经历,而且最郁闷的事情是 piggy99   (468 bytes , 747reads )
做朋友和做男女朋友是不一样的哈~~~楼上的自己选的就不要乱叫了。。 小海   (0 bytes , 210reads )
我家宠物不这样~别把他跟那些自私自利甚至利用女性满足自己目的或欲望的贱人相提并论~ piggy99   (152 bytes , 344reads )
原来大家都有这种感觉 董叶   (400 bytes , 484reads )