nothing is impossible~impossible is nothing
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2007-06-22 00:19

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让我们祝福他:去年在新加坡失踪的国大学生在四川被发现 Ice   (3893 bytes , 3468reads )
会不会是外星人把他带走? pinkhil   (0 bytes , 229reads )
nothing is impossible~impossible is nothing piggy99   (0 bytes , 236reads )
很有可能! 爱尔兰咖啡   (29 bytes , 403reads )
好凉 门中木   (0 bytes , 239reads )
祝福。 黑猪   (12 bytes , 382reads )
希望他可以慢慢恢复过来。加油! victorwu   (0 bytes , 255reads )
来个催眠治疗什么的..可能有帮助吧..possible.. iloveyouso   (0 bytes , 219reads )
今天上联合晚报头版了,我就是他nus的老乡,给他电脑贷款danbao JackyWu   (310 bytes , 986reads )
好像很多学长都有过帮别人换电脑贷款的经历,我知道就好几个了 帝释天   (22 bytes , 255reads )
有点收入的话就算了拉, 2000可能在新加坡还好,可是对于一个农村家庭1万很多了. pinkhil   (35 bytes , 327reads )
做担保人做成你这样,也真倒霉阿 wsmj   (138 bytes , 718reads )
有没有懂法律的朋友 JackyWu   (43 bytes , 597reads )
Explain the situation to DBS. A medical report might prove helpful. EarlGrey   (238 bytes , 434reads )
为什么不直接联系DBS呢?你就说当事人已经找到,我从此停止换钱,让他们来找你 三点   (208 bytes , 528reads )
prepare your original documents speculatist   (56 bytes , 391reads )
哎。如果老兄有点收入就忍了吧。。 雨洋   (36 bytes , 469reads )
帮还全部的2000还是挺多滴。。。。。。是吧? 小飞象阿童木   (0 bytes , 221reads )
it is not too many or too little , to somebody speculatist   (71 bytes , 502reads )
匪夷所思啊。太离奇了。 花心大哥   (0 bytes , 212reads )
去年12月在华新上有登过寻人启事,好像是NTU的 水鸭子   (0 bytes , 266reads )
错了,是国大的 水鸭子   (93 bytes , 500reads )
报道中没说是国大的学生... 沈喑   (117 bytes , 599reads )
大部分信息吻合 氢氧化钠   (24 bytes , 492reads )
去年国大真的曾传出这样的事情? 沈喑   (133 bytes , 579reads )
.......... 氢氧化钠   (22 bytes , 479reads )
我毕业两年了.. 汗,的确一点不知情 沈喑   (99 bytes , 446reads )
祝福了,心底很闷 gtbee   (0 bytes , 222reads )
活着,就好!希望他以后都顺利安康 piggy99   (0 bytes , 219reads )
唉 祝福 米小米   (30 bytes , 330reads )
看了想哭. 小土   (8 bytes , 427reads )
平安就好 雨茜   (15 bytes , 351reads )
at least he's with the family now EarlGrey   (127 bytes , 440reads )
best wishes 印象派   (0 bytes , 251reads )
Best Wishes. 手无寸铁   (0 bytes , 206reads )
best of luck.. Bird   (0 bytes , 193reads )
总算找到了,祝他早日康复 陈至   (35 bytes , 533reads )
best luck to him...... 菀子   (0 bytes , 222reads )
best luck to him...... adidas   (0 bytes , 239reads )
best luck to him...... Economist   (0 bytes , 219reads )
现在人怎么样啊?还记不起来? Secure   (0 bytes , 202reads )