NUS 发邮件了
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2009-04-02 22:27

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Dear Students,

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) has despatched to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) your copy of the Invitation to Singapore PR Letter.

You may proceed to collect the letter from the Office of Student Affairs, level 4 Yusof Ishak House:
Date: 6 to 9 and 13 April 2009
Time: Monday to Friday - 10 am to 1 pm or - 2 to 5 pm
Venue : Counter C11


1) Students will need to show their NUS student card and their Student's Pass.

2) In the event that you are unable to collect the letter in person during the specified dates, you may have a friend collect on your behalf. You will need to prepare a Letter of Authorisation .

Letter of Authorisation

I, (name), holder of NUS registration card no (1234567M and FIN: G1234567) authorise (friend's name and NUS reg no) to collect the ICA Invitation to Singapore PR Letter on my behalf.


PR Letters not collected by 5 pm, Monday, 13 April 2009 will be returned to ICA.

There will be cases where students find that they are not issued with the PR Offer Letter from ICA.
In such cases it is best for you to enquire directly with ICA (proceed to level 5) of the status.

ICA is located at :
10 Kallang Road
(MRT: Lavendar)
Contact no.: 63916100

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
开帖讨论“PR Application & Invitation Letter”,承情前辈分享流程,经验,教训。 StefinieSun   (352 bytes , 3512reads )
这帖子怎么有浮起来了,我都申请了PR了。。。 StefinieSun   (7 bytes , 348reads )
孙斑竹果然是PR达人 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 308reads )
我的经验~ zZZ_maoer   (873 bytes , 594reads )
天啊 tinyshen   (118 bytes , 491reads )
成绩? 马脚8   (23 bytes , 283reads )
我也没被invited........ 据说你填了那个申请表之后,他们会在2个礼拜内发给你的。 昆仑狐   (22 bytes , 477reads )
请问你最后拿到invitation letter了吗,我现在也面临这个问题,准备去ICA填下那个表格 茕茕白兔   (0 bytes , 355reads )
额...原来还有人和我一样啊... tinyshen   (137 bytes , 421reads )
和在 14202   (26 bytes , 352reads )
不知道啊.... tinyshen   (35 bytes , 318reads )
我联系ICA的人了,他们回了email见内 释风   (679 bytes , 2293reads )
可以告知你发给谁的。。email address?? StefinieSun   (0 bytes , 422reads )
英语不好,这句话啥意思哦? StefinieSun   (109 bytes , 439reads )
一份复制的pr invitation letter 14202   (21 bytes , 432reads )
似乎是发到 14202   (27 bytes , 469reads )
最近有没有人回eton hall? nevsayer   (0 bytes , 461reads )
今天下午在SSC 14202   (90 bytes , 352reads )
NUS 发邮件了 nus_card   (1430 bytes , 804reads )
KAO 邮箱满了 没收到:( 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 321reads )
哈哈,你就是个学生嘛! 榆钱   (0 bytes , 273reads )
ya.. 14202   (125 bytes , 413reads )
我就是在OSA办的啊,为啥我没收到了。郁闷! StefinieSun   (0 bytes , 285reads )
直接去趟ICA 五楼... 14202   (0 bytes , 342reads )
据去年某人的经验 我爱王仁甫   (342 bytes , 400reads )
关于这个invitation letter 我心非石   (95 bytes , 684reads )
----> 洋葱头   (376 bytes , 752reads )
工作后申请是不对的吧 一刀n断   (438 bytes , 485reads )
哦,对对对~~ 我忘记了 洋葱头   (8 bytes , 383reads )
恩,应该是拿到offer以后,开始上班以前 武汉伢   (103 bytes , 429reads )
是不是5月份考试完 14202   (82 bytes , 370reads )
不确定 一刀n断   (259 bytes , 431reads )
忘了说声谢谢~~ 14202   (0 bytes , 285reads )
在心雨上看到的回复: 14202   (361 bytes , 391reads )
i dont think need this letter for PR application pinkhil   (150 bytes , 783reads )
我当时也丢了那个信 Tweezer   (90 bytes , 342reads )
不要误人子弟,没有邀请函根本不让你申请 狂ft   (0 bytes , 765reads )
你才误人子弟呢... 洋葱头   (0 bytes , 377reads )
我的经验 wolaiye   (114 bytes , 481reads )
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这个一定要顶 14202   (196 bytes , 483reads )
mark Dianalin   (0 bytes , 265reads )
我的经验 一刀n断   (626 bytes , 623reads )
如果我没记错,护照要至少半年的有效期吧 wolaiye   (10 bytes , 360reads )
看出境去哪里吧 回国没事 一刀n断   (51 bytes , 311reads )
护照过期半年前去申请更新 dididada   (205 bytes , 704reads )
现在木有更新护照这回事了 woshiyizhiyang   (13 bytes , 358reads )