所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2009-05-30 21:20

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The submission deadline for nominations for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Economics is 31 January.[11] Self-nominations and nominations of deceased people are disqualified.

The names of the nominees are never publicly announced, and neither are they told that they have been considered for the Prize. Nomination records are sealed for 50 years.[12] In practice, some nominees do become known. It is also common for publicists to make such a claim, founded or not.

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这边闲人多,转篇带点技术的故事。 @@@###   (4688 bytes , 885reads )
签名不错,可以改成VIM的吗? chancing   (0 bytes , 210reads )
你可以自己设一个背景图,比如vim。然后用php的gd 来改前面的字。 iloveyouso   (0 bytes , 314reads )
哇老,有的找用GD这么麻烦吗,再说GD挺low level,找个什么library build on GD的都好 木头上面一张嘴   (0 bytes , 170reads )
支持Emacs 木头上面一张嘴   (20 bytes , 180reads )
这里面提到的人,不是诺贝尔奖得主就是被提名者。 @@@###   (67 bytes , 277reads )
这边闲人多,转篇带点技术的故事。 qqwang   (39 bytes , 257reads )
.... 毒鼠强   (493 bytes , 299reads )