Dhoby ghaut 有一间art house。 坐143直接到
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2013-12-20 17:46

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
我在groupon上面团购了一节课。然后他发了一封email促销 (如下)。8节课320,跟他讲一下可以多一节。有很多种画法可以选。老师也不错。
Benefit of package:-
o Flexible timing, attend class by booking at any of the time-slots(each 2.5 hour)
o Fee usage of studio space for painting anytime when no class or events ongoing
o 1 year FREE membership (worth $50) entitles discounts for other art events and expense at cafe

• Art Exploration Flexi 8 @ $320 (U.P. $400), save $80
o 8 tutored lessons within 8 weeks
• Art Exploration Flexi 4 @ $192 (U.P. $400), save $48
o 4 tutored lessons within 4 weeks
• 2-To-Share Flexi 8 package* at $360 (U.P. $500), save $140
o 8 tutored lessons within 4 weeks, 2 persons sharing 8 lessons, flexibility in planning of attendance.

*1 extra $20 cafe voucher for buddies

You may sign up now and start package later in Jan/Feb if unable to start immediately. Limited offers and seats.

For clarification on the art exploration program, please contact us. Get to view some student's artworks at https://www.facebook.com/myartspace.singapore.

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