【婚姻家庭】sleepless night, cold war with husband.
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2015-04-27 02:45  评分:

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It’s early hours in the morning, yet I can’t sleep, kept tossing and turning in bed, in the end I decided to take it on my laptop and vent it out on huasing. Hopefully afterwards I can have a restful sleep.

Some background info: 
I have been married for 4 years now, daughter is 1.5 years old.  Hubby is a stay-at-home dad while I work to support the family, rather unconventional right?  No choice, cause I have a more stable income while my hubby was self-employed and he could barely support himself sometimes.  It was a hard decision, not only for me, but was also a blow to my hubby’s ego.  Though husband should always be the head of the family, who provides for and protects the family, in my case I have to make most of the decisions in the house.  I don’t really enjoy being in command, I would rather have a more capable/domineering husband who takes charge of the household, but well I married this one.

There are a lot of quarrels in the first two years of marriage,  the idea of “I have made a wrong decision” has crossed my mind many times since then.  I must say that our honeymoon period is nearly nonexistent.  I still remember vividly that on the day of registration I came home crying and complained the way he treated a newly-wed bride.  Afterwards, we tried to adopt each other’s lifestyle and habits, conflicts ensued here and there.  But most of the time it’s because of financial responsibility.  From the start, I knew his income was not stable, but he promised to work hard and improve and everything seemed so achievable.  It’s only after a while I figured that he had no savings and could barely share the house mortgage (resulted in warning letters from HDB).  Looking back, they are all empty promises, and I took a while to accept that I will be the sole bread winner in the family. 

To be fair, my husband never splurges, he always chose the cheaper option to buy clothes for himself.  But he was kind and generous to the others, he would buy tissue from uncles/aunties and tip taxi drivers for their service.  One of my love languages is “receiving gifts”, so that time I couldn’t understand why he seldom gave me flowers even after my repeated requests.   During one conflict, he broke down and confessed that sometimes he didn’t even have money in the pocket to buy lunch, let alone buying gifts for me.  My heart aches even to recall that episode.

When my daughter was born in 2013, I of course shouldered all the cost.  My mum flew over to take care of me during my confinement.  And that’s when it hit me that though my mum and I couldn’t stand each other, my mum still loved me more than my hubby.  My husband was so ignorant in female matters (he didn’t even know woman has limited number of eggs and only releases one egg once a month) that he felt confinement was no big deal and there was no need for him to take special care of me.  I was lucky to have mum around.

Fast forward to today:

The root problem was a lack of intimacy.  I guess I become easily agitated while my basic needs are not satisfied.  During my pregnancy, we didn’t screw each other for over a year!!! I couldn’t stand it and confronted him, after a long “interrogation”, he dropped the bomb “You shall lose some weight.”  It’s not easy for him to open up and tell me the truth, because he didn’t want to hurt my feelings, but I felt like being stabbed on the back and sick to stomach.   Does that mean I am looking at a sexless marriage now?  Does that mean he was forced to bang me so as to have our daughter?  Am I that disgusting and obnoxious?  Does he love me anymore?  That happened in 2014 and we sought help and advice to salvage our marriage.  We are trying to shake the sheets once a week, even then, we are often missing the target.  Have I considered losing weight?  Yes, but I didn’t persevere with my exercise routine and I couldn’t become a vegetarian.  There was a period of time I almost lost interest in sex, because I lost confidence in myself.  

I tried to tolerate and focused on other things, like spending time with daughter, but today there were just so much negative emotions inside me and one straw finally broke the camel’s back, I went cold war with my husband.  That’s usually the case when we had conflicts and arguments, one time it went on a week with us not saying anything to each other.  It was a horrible experience, and affected my emotions at work too.  After that, we both agreed that once a cold war was declared, we (the husband) should end it ASAP before it threw the marriage into hopeless abyss. (that’s how he annulled his first marriage after long period of cold war/separation) 

Most of the time, I would initiate a conversation and try to resolve the conflict before bedtime.   This time, my hubby initiated and he was all apologetic and reassured me that he loved me, and we can save our marriage.  He hugged me and kissed me, but I felt sadness rather than peace, tears streamed down my cheeks, and I didn’t reciprocate.  That’s why I couldn’t sleep tonight, something was unresolved in my heart, I don’t know what it is.  Searching, pondering, praying… 

该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2015-04-27 22:00:01。

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【婚姻家庭】sleepless night, cold war with husband. Jane_Jane   (7145 bytes , 11564reads )
楼主听过没, ‘我可以做遗孀,不能做怨妇。“ 小土   (362 bytes , 89reads )
理解问题, 文化差异 华生之友   (170 bytes , 73reads )
20贴水经验4 lebeilin   (11 bytes , 77reads )
楼主当年读书时绝对是写essay的一把好手 小W童鞋   (108 bytes , 81reads )
赞一下楼主的英文。 lio06   (118 bytes , 105reads )
看了楼主当年的征婚帖,不明白怎么当初怎么做的决定。不过都这么多年了,年龄[…] 冰是睡着的水   (218 bytes , 103reads )
挖人家隐私好吗? 一个人的麦麦   (10 bytes , 73reads )
水哥你真的是太八卦了 fionna2012   (244 bytes , 98reads )
其实我是想表达楼主曾经也有很恩爱的时光,希望大家多给楼主点正面的鼓励! 冰是睡着的水   (0 bytes , 80reads )
撤了吧,看到这个整个人不好了 傻不拉拉   (32 bytes , 92reads )
放人家的fb 链接,不好吧。 易易   (0 bytes , 69reads )
+1 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 94reads )
楼主的英文表达在中国人里真的是很好了 仙流命   (356 bytes , 131reads )
谢谢鼓励 Jane_Jane   (149 bytes , 153reads )
想想李安.......还有他太太? 华生之友   (0 bytes , 66reads )
hahhahaha 恭喜楼主 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 91reads )
除非樓主有旧时代女性从一而终的思想 cassiedi   (125 bytes , 66reads )
小纠结   (14 bytes , 101reads )
楼主倒贴嫁红毛,当年自觉无比高大上。如今用洋毛文来中文网站求助,文中只字[…] 冰是睡着的水   (44 bytes , 102reads )
这个英文相当拗口啊 leciel   (24 bytes , 107reads )
楼主英语不错,多喝老公沟通下,祝福 fmc   (0 bytes , 59reads )
如果是洋人的话~ 羊驼君   (69 bytes , 92reads )
不见得~ 很多洋人还是很传统的 小馋牛   (38 bytes , 84reads )
小牛姐姐认识的洋人都是已婚的? 羊驼君   (57 bytes , 77reads )
我认识的人里结婚的大概占一半儿吧,没结婚的 小馋牛   (28 bytes , 73reads )
深深的危机感~ 羊驼君   (18 bytes , 65reads )
我老板,荷兰人 tracyfyy   (66 bytes , 114reads )
荷兰人为啥不go dutch… aloha_rabbit   (14 bytes , 76reads )
哈哈,还有还多华人老板,不 go Chinese tracyfyy   (16 bytes , 68reads )
而且都说了是老板~ 羊驼君   (153 bytes , 80reads )
35/6吧 tracyfyy   (148 bytes , 85reads )
你遇到的还是混的好的~ 羊驼君   (38 bytes , 58reads )
个例不能说明什么吧~ 羊驼君   (11 bytes , 69reads )
格格巫婆   (134 bytes , 96reads )
不太可能呀~ 羊驼君   (64 bytes , 66reads )
啊做饭难道不是归男方负责的那部分家务吗:p 格格巫婆   (58 bytes , 74reads )
老实说,传统家境好的洋人一般找洋妞。来亚洲猎奇的很难说。 HMS_Hood   (78 bytes , 73reads )
哈哈哈 呱呱gua   (27 bytes , 83reads )
对你这样的评价,只能无语了。 HMS_Hood   (79 bytes , 64reads )
看来你见过不少祖上有名望的中国人啊,他们都包办婚姻? 呱呱gua   (141 bytes , 70reads )
我好几个同事名字里都有爵位…不过也来亚洲找华裔妞了 aloha_rabbit   (26 bytes , 67reads )
欧洲年轻人才不care 呱呱gua   (151 bytes , 62reads )
任何地方,门当户对都是社会准则,如果随便,那岂不让你都看到了? HMS_Hood   (0 bytes , 58reads )
门当户对是社会准则 呵呵 呱呱gua   (41 bytes , 71reads )
老外怎么会失业呢?老外都是外企高管啊 ndd   (28 bytes , 84reads )
英文真好! 奔三的小妇人   (64 bytes , 93reads )
我想了想,还是直接回复一下。 hula   (928 bytes , 107reads )
有点理解那个男生的感觉 唐甬   (274 bytes , 99reads )
哇塞 层主是个有故事的男人 湿湿一大坨   (134 bytes , 87reads )
+1,我一定认真拜读 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 65reads )
你也想创业? vickychen   (46 bytes , 86reads )
我想听实实在在可以借鉴的经历 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 65reads )
难怪唐兄如此温和~ 羊驼君   (37 bytes , 89reads )
惭愧惭愧,见笑见笑 唐甬   (0 bytes , 58reads )
顶一下 hula   (336 bytes , 79reads )
谢谢 Jane_Jane   (160 bytes , 122reads )
夫妻同心,其利断金 Latte   (24 bytes , 73reads )
你的支持是他最大的动力, 房产博士   (16 bytes , 49reads )
我认识一个中国人嫁给洋人的 傻不拉拉   (56 bytes , 100reads )
嫁的是坡人 不是洋人 Jane_Jane   (12 bytes , 200reads )
同样感觉 bff   (125 bytes , 107reads )
洋人native speaker,有大学文凭,在上海就当个part time英语培训老师。 hula   (20 bytes , 103reads )
离吧。。我已经不知道说啥了 南瓜同学   (46 bytes , 83reads )
为什么是紫桃啊? dengyizhen   (17 bytes , 100reads )
楼主洋文好好哦 sunnylau2   (10 bytes , 118reads )
LZ你带着女儿回上海吧,这样的 奥迪A6   (183 bytes , 107reads )
猜测一下 bff   (13 bytes , 102reads )
lz英语好好 wenzi1987   (29 bytes , 98reads )
新加坡没有穷人,只有懒人 国大大叔   (48 bytes , 105reads )
我觉得主要还是经济原因 dos2unix   (1048 bytes , 163reads )
分析很对 Jane_Jane   (308 bytes , 136reads )
祝福,加油 唐甬   (22 bytes , 88reads )
所以我还是想说。。。 羊驼君   (144 bytes , 100reads )
话不能这么说的 南洋暴雪   (21 bytes , 68reads )
=.=你年轻嘛~ 羊驼君   (7 bytes , 63reads )
偶sm2头几届的 南洋暴雪   (88 bytes , 76reads )
sm2可以读法律专业? 凡人   (0 bytes , 72reads )
SMU JD 南洋暴雪   (37 bytes , 73reads )
好吧~ 羊驼君   (30 bytes , 65reads )
没事没事,我不介意的~ 南洋暴雪   (0 bytes , 65reads )
说明是真爱 vickychen   (53 bytes , 85reads )
她把我怂恿进法学院的 南洋暴雪   (5 bytes , 58reads )
男主经济上不能养家是不正常的家庭 redbox   (96 bytes , 108reads )
没人 雷猫   (43 bytes , 121reads )
电脑打英文比较快 bbcat   (10 bytes , 94reads )
所以没回,怕认错了词误会了楼主意思有反效果。 hula   (0 bytes , 97reads )
而且lz英语还不错 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 80reads )
令人困惑的问题,女人们要男女平等,但又渴望男人们多付出一点 Sees   (10 bytes , 97reads )
亮了。 这问题反过来就不是 1999   (4 bytes , 83reads )
女人的话别当真呀~ 羊驼君   (71 bytes , 82reads )
you need to talk with him ellinlin   (91 bytes , 123reads )
thanks bbcat   (98 bytes , 81reads )
其实应该分析分析当初嫁给这个男人的原因吧 Tenacity   (0 bytes , 94reads )
沙发,我觉得你老公好像也相当痛苦 湿湿一大坨   (140 bytes , 90reads )
咨询过的 bbcat   (74 bytes , 87reads )