所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2015-10-13 14:50

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比如说,如果你有IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) –易激肠胃综合症,一个重要的tip是应该避免冰冷的食物(就是从冰箱里取出来直接吃的那种):


Easy IBS Diet Tips & Tricks

* Eat soluble fiber first whenever your stomach is empty

* Chew thoroughly. This will help prevent you from eating too fast and swallowing air, which can trigger IBS problems.

* Eat at a leisurely pace - if you must eat in a hurry, serve yourself half portions.

* Eat small portions of food, and eat frequently - the emptier your stomach is, the more sensitive you will be.

* Avoid eating large amounts of food in one sitting as this can trigger an IBS attack

* Avoid ice-cold foods and drinks on an empty stomach. Cold makes muscles contract, and your goal with the IBS diet is to keep your stomach and the rest of your GI tract as calm as possible.


* Avoid chewing gum, as it causes you to swallow excess air, which can trigger problems.





美国人非常喜欢冰的东西,水里面也要加冰块。英国人不一样,有人说英国人喜欢喝温啤酒 (warm beer), 但是现在被认为是谣言。他们的啤酒是以酒窖温度 (cellar temperature)饮用。但不论如何,都不像美国人一样到处放冰。





 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
中国人这么怕吃冷的是生理因素还是心理因素 vililytan   (363 bytes , 2665reads )
不同人体质不同吧 structure   (14 bytes , 49reads )
也不能说怕,就是比较克制,会养生吧 mymana   (136 bytes , 38reads )
冰冷的食物对胃子有一定刺激,不是仅仅中医的说法 这里很热   (2022 bytes , 68reads )
个人认为对那些肠胃没毛病的是心理作用大 vitamin   (133 bytes , 45reads )
vililytan   (48 bytes , 38reads )
最牛逼的日本人, 17eye   (56 bytes , 53reads )
我生完孩子也吃了冰水果 vililytan   (6 bytes , 53reads )
医院产妇餐有冷藏水果和饮料 凡人   (96 bytes , 45reads )
环境决定的吧。。。北美和欧洲的纬度都比中国高很多,冬天相当冷。。。 henryYang   (0 bytes , 45reads )
可是东南亚在热带 vililytan   (24 bytes , 43reads )
我排生理因素,吃冷真心会不舒服啊。就算是最爱的冰淇淋,也是适可而止。 小诺   (279 bytes , 58reads )
太冷的对胃粘膜不好的…… 太烫也是 功夫熊猫   (16 bytes , 44reads )
我也是这么认为的 vililytan   (162 bytes , 43reads )
从小肠胃不好,不能受刺激 凡人   (476 bytes , 46reads )
这个是肠易激综合症吧 vililytan   (115 bytes , 46reads )
没深想过,一是从小家里就不让吃冰的,习惯了 gltdaisy   (148 bytes , 48reads )
看人吧?我属于冬天手脚冰凉的 tu1pig   (45 bytes , 36reads )
我觉得欧美人韩日人不怕吃冷,不表示他们老了就没问题 hula   (71 bytes , 46reads )
这个其实有点像说做月子 vililytan   (80 bytes , 43reads )
吃东西我不知道,反正我过了30岁胃消化明显就不行了,不能折腾了。 hula   (152 bytes , 41reads )
就比如我们说吃啥啥容易上火嘴唇起泡 hula   (66 bytes , 43reads )
我觉得小部分生理原因大部分是心理原因 绿豆芽   (286 bytes , 42reads )
我不怕吃冷。。 小馋牛   (91 bytes , 41reads )
我觉得是心理暗示 r3865488   (84 bytes , 54reads )
哈哈 vililytan   (32 bytes , 55reads )
来姨妈吃冰冷的真的啥事情也木有 傻不拉拉   (24 bytes , 43reads )
+1,貌似肚子疼的人不吃冷的也 小馋牛   (14 bytes , 44reads )
怕冻伤了 肖正   (68 bytes , 44reads )
这个是比喻说法 vililytan   (20 bytes , 43reads )
双重 肖正   (266 bytes , 53reads )
我从来不吃热冰淇淋和热冰棍 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 49reads )
其实炸冰淇淋还是蛮好吃的嘛 Eight   (16 bytes , 39reads )
吃冷的胃疼腹泻 natalieeee   (22 bytes , 51reads )
中医都讲究冷的伤脾胃吧 走走   (177 bytes , 55reads )
我以前也以为是人种 vililytan   (34 bytes , 51reads )
早上吃冷的胃疼 东西南北风   (11 bytes , 72reads )