所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2016-05-05 16:32

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
For employees, it refers to the gross monthly wages or salaries before deduction of employee CPF contributions and personal income tax. It comprises basic wages, overtime pay, commissions, tips, other allowances and one-twelfth of annual bonuses. For self-employed persons, gross monthly income refers to the average monthly profits from their business, trade or profession (i.e. total receipts less business expenses incurred) before deduction of income tax. Data exclude full-time national servicemen.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
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算了bonus来看的话,30-35岁超过12k的比例太低了 deathpk   (0 bytes , 62reads )
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前辈,过分谦虚就是骄傲!你居然还自卑... 凡人   (0 bytes , 39reads )
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看收入而已 3加2   (31 bytes , 62reads )
要看蹭主旨的哪个方面了 lauchris   (20 bytes , 48reads )
综合!!!!! 3加2   (8 bytes , 37reads )
意思是说40-50岁,每5个人中有一个超过12K 西东南北风   (13 bytes , 51reads )
是我的数学差吗? 人在狮城2016   (83 bytes , 49reads )
您看看楼下啊,我不是看错了么 西东南北风   (54 bytes , 44reads )
你这么老了吗? dnegel   (5 bytes , 39reads )
快了 西东南北风   (51 bytes , 38reads )
:) dnegel   (36 bytes , 34reads )
老也要比的啊 西东南北风   (7 bytes , 41reads )
不懂背景,单纯读表如下 hougangone   (623 bytes , 55reads )
这个是税务局对所有纳税人的统计 shwan   (30 bytes , 112reads )
再提问 hougangone   (96 bytes , 45reads )
花红不算在gross里面吧?各种补贴呢? 明楼   (0 bytes , 79reads )
统计局已经写得非常清楚了啊 大叔一名   (503 bytes , 74reads )
按着这个说法 On   (49 bytes , 64reads )
我觉得他就拿IRAS的雇佣收入除以12 大叔一名   (14 bytes , 38reads )
貌似都是自己上传的 On   (42 bytes , 36reads )
one-twelfth of annual bonuses 3加2   (37 bytes , 88reads )
赞,这样来算,我就不惊讶了 明楼   (0 bytes , 102reads )
之前为什么惊讶? 3加2   (0 bytes , 49reads )
bonus12个月平均为每个月增加2000以上都是很正常的 冰是睡着的水   (0 bytes , 52reads )
我一直以为是纯薪水超过12k 明楼   (0 bytes , 63reads )
据说bonus算 3加2   (96 bytes , 59reads )
我一直以为补贴计入gross,而花红不算。 明楼   (18 bytes , 59reads )
如果是税务局/统计局的-算了 西东南北风   (23 bytes , 42reads )
我记得每年涨薪hr给的信里写的gross,注明了补贴,但是没提花红 明楼   (0 bytes , 58reads )
还是 1100K人中只有40K人超过12K? 西东南北风   (60 bytes , 51reads )
sorry 3加2   (149 bytes , 52reads )
再更正好像这个1100k人中, 有90K超过12K大概8% 西东南北风   (62 bytes , 58reads )
正解 3加2   (91 bytes , 58reads )