所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2016-09-02 21:48  更多评分:

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But a major new study on mice indicates that the impact of the Zika infection in other adults could be far more serious and sinister than had previously been thought. Experiments on adult mice engineered to mimic human Zika infection show that the virus seems to attack immature cells in the adult brain. Those same cells are vital to learning and memory – and so losing them could have disastrous effects, comparable to those experienced by people with Alzheimer’s.

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【吐槽八卦】zika这么严重 我觉得该反思 1743sg   (317 bytes , 2745reads )
zika一传播,出生率估计更低了,政府表示 小馋牛   (8 bytes , 35reads )
我觉得气候问题也导致了zika和骨热痛很难根除 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (43 bytes , 355reads )
反思的方向毫无意义啊 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 31reads )
熊猫好直接啊。。。 1743sg   (74 bytes , 30reads )
外劳 typ   (204 bytes , 45reads )
住阿欲尼和paya lebar区的人表示不服 iamet   (148 bytes , 38reads )
政府的公共服务本来就是要保证公平的 1743sg   (156 bytes , 30reads )
滋卡基本是不致命的,少数孕妇感染后会造成新生儿小头症 invincible   (155 bytes , 42reads )
最新说法,成人zika影像认知能力 youngcy   (127 bytes , 31reads )
新闻原句 youngcy   (468 bytes , 31reads )
看完了我想 hudasm   (20 bytes , 32reads )
医生有自己的专业判断, ghf2014   (89 bytes , 30reads )
觉得新加坡应该蛮重视下一代的 1743sg   (56 bytes , 28reads )
对外劳差的是公司,不是政府 国大大叔   (34 bytes , 36reads )
所以因为传染病的隐患威胁到了公民的健康 政府也应该采取一些措施? 1743sg   (0 bytes , 36reads )