所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2017-02-13 10:55

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Tax Rates for Non-Residents

Taxes on Employment Income

The employment income of non-residents is taxed at flat rate of 15% or the progressive resident tax rates (see table above), whichever is a higher tax amount.

Taxes on Director's fee, Consultation fees and All Other Income

From YA 2017, the tax rates for non-resident individuals (except certain reduced final withholding tax rates) has been raised from 20% to 22% . This is to maintain parity between the tax rates of non-resident individuals and the top marginal tax rate of resident individuals.


Type of Income

Non-resident individual tax rate / withholding tax rate from YA 2017


Director's remuneration 


See Tax Obligations for Non-Resident Directors


Income derived from activity as a non-resident professional (consultant, trainer, coach, etc.) 

15% of gross income or 22% of net income

See Taxable Income of Non-Resident Professionals



Income derived from activity as a non-resident public entertainer (artiste, musician, sportsman, etc.)

10% concessionary rate (No change)

See Tax for Non-Resident Public Entertainers




Other income e.g. property rental income


See Foreigners with Property in Singapore


SRS withdrawal by a non-citizen SRS member


See Withholding Tax on SRS


Interest, royalty etc. 

Reduced final withholding tax rate (subject to conditions) as follows: 
Interest: 15%  
Royalty: 10%


22% if reduced final withholding tax rate is not applicable.

See Withholding Tax Rates for Individuals (262KB)


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