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Adoption Vs Abortion
Foreign Baby AdoptionYou have come to a crossroads and you're trying to make a decision. It takes a lot of courage to realize that your life cannot include a baby at this time.
Unplanned pregnancies happen. They can't be undone, but now you can make an informed decision about the future of you and your unborn baby.
Now that you have decided not to keep your baby there is another important step. You must now choose to have an abortion or gift your child to a loving family. Let's take a look at both choices.
Only you know what the right choice is for you. It is important to not let anyone pressure you or force you into a decision that does not feel right for you. This is a major decision that will shape your future.
Pros - Having an abortion is immediate. You can choose from the available procedures, come in for the procedure and leave the office no longer pregnant. The office will usually provide you with counseling or at least refer you for counseling services.
Cons - Having an abortion can have major health consequences. In some cases you may be left infertile. Friends and family may make judgments against you based on moral and religious beliefs. There is a lot of pain after the abortion and you will have some down time for recovery.

You need to research abortion to see which ones are available for you based on how far along you are in your pregnancy. You will need to bring someone with you for the procedure to drive you home and take care of you while you recover.
Pros - There are a lot of options to choose from, services available, and community resources to help you. When you choose an adoption agency they will help you find resources to help in the process. Often when you choose adoption you can get funding to pay for your prenatal care, hospital bills, and housing. You are able to choose a family that will be the best match for how you want your child raised and have the ability to build a relationship with them.
Cons - You will have to take care of yourself and watch what you eat and drink closely during the pregnancy. You will be obviously pregnant and you will be asked about what happened to your baby. You must be prepared to discuss this with people or find a way to divert questions. There are medical risks involved with giving birth as well as some physical changes that will occur.
Remember, this is your decision. Asking and communicating with the people in your life is a good start but don't allow anyone to push you towards one choice or another. Before you go forward with your decision, imagine a family who cannot have a child. They wait for years for someone to choose them as a family. Choosing to adopt out your baby is the most courageous and selfless act a woman can do. You create a miracle for a family and choose an awesome and stable future for your child.

Contact us now for a free informational meeting to discuss on abortion vs adoption.

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恨父母的心越来越重 甜甜不糖   (722 bytes , 16660reads )
楼主产前抑郁症 togaf8   (17 bytes , 35reads )
楼主产前抑郁了。。。。 花无声   (0 bytes , 39reads )
楼主也就是嘴上说说而已的 muxig1980   (12 bytes , 50reads )
你不是特殊的人,很多人也有过类似的感受 谁是谁的缺口   (674 bytes , 63reads )
典型忧郁症 顾小熊   (10 bytes , 57reads )
回复 weimin   (12 bytes , 61reads )
我知道我不正常 除了丈夫和父母不会跟认识我的人展露着一面 甜甜不糖   (156 bytes , 130reads )
恨错了对象,恨永远宣泄不完 暗霓   (56 bytes , 62reads )
楼主好可怜 暗霓   (0 bytes , 59reads )
你已经疯了 小菩提   (8 bytes , 57reads )
听说生出来就会爱上孩子的 Calicocat   (0 bytes , 51reads )
我就是这样 小猪123   (31 bytes , 65reads )
抑郁症,放过自己的孩子吧 weareone   (12 bytes , 56reads ) HelloThere   (2957 bytes , 70reads )
楼主看看 natalieeee   (80 bytes , 58reads )
抱抱楼主 1jia1   (184 bytes , 78reads )
一坨子烂肉 甜甜不糖   (260 bytes , 165reads )
可以人肉吗? 小猪123   (51 bytes , 77reads )
其实应该要想办法联系上她老公 人在狮城2016   (21 bytes , 57reads )
楼主自己一开始不也是一坨子烂肉在你妈妈的肚子里吗? 笨笨2014   (518 bytes , 86reads )
楼主可以联系领养 HelloThere   (122 bytes , 53reads )
lz你这样说真的太欠抽了 QQMM   (84 bytes , 63reads )
排这个 小猪123   (113 bytes , 64reads )
忧郁症或精神分裂症 华生之友   (25 bytes , 55reads )
刚才打了很多字全没了 lhh   (418 bytes , 56reads )
不能这样 万一把孩子弄坏 flame   (88 bytes , 54reads )
居然能这种话都说的出来………实在无语 开始了   (0 bytes , 59reads )
楼主真的你赶紧去看看医生吧 奔三的小妇人   (20 bytes , 59reads )
躺在产床时我还问护士,娃不好看的话可以送人么 小馋牛   (453 bytes , 105reads )
歪楼完美成功! flame   (6 bytes , 65reads )
捂脸。。只是想告诉lz 小馋牛   (28 bytes , 63reads )
太可爱了 小天使一样 fff   (33 bytes , 68reads )
^^生之前害怕出来是个小魔鬼 小馋牛   (154 bytes , 61reads )
好萌好漂酿 yogurtlady   (0 bytes , 54reads )
想象不到一个人居然可以同时对人生中最亲密的几个人有这么大的恨意 开始了   (0 bytes , 60reads )
LZ疯了 开始了   (0 bytes , 64reads )
不配产检就不配 我可以接受 甜甜不糖   (188 bytes , 132reads )
道理不需要对你说了,你也听不进,也理解不了。 林子99   (92 bytes , 65reads )
楼主你好强悍 fff   (20 bytes , 56reads )
动不动就抽耳光是想怎样。。。 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 57reads )
之前的帖和这个贴有矛盾 lhh   (567 bytes , 75reads )
阿门 虫新出发   (8 bytes , 61reads )
产前抑郁吗? yu889   (477 bytes , 70reads )
为啥我觉得LZ不是变态,而是处于叛逆期呢 默默墨   (272 bytes , 71reads )
同觉得楼主很叛逆,大家都不理解她 乐呵麻麻   (365 bytes , 63reads )
楼主去看医生吧,你的问题很严重。 rain22   (0 bytes , 65reads )
要有选择 我愿意不来这个世界 甜甜不糖   (418 bytes , 125reads )
看看心理医生吧,你首先要爱自己 凡人   (2262 bytes , 82reads )
典型的抑郁症想法 Joycewenn   (32 bytes , 52reads )
感觉你不是有抑郁症,就是变态的有点可怕了。。。 lily1987   (203 bytes , 68reads )
好变态哦 缤纷乐2014   (0 bytes , 66reads )
既然lz这样想 huasingAZ   (74 bytes , 49reads )
自杀不用,非常自私的人做不到自杀。 gagger   (117 bytes , 57reads )
楼主是不是有抑郁症,可能应该去看一下心理医生了。 hellohihi   (0 bytes , 58reads )
lz冷静下来。能否用同理心想一想这些问题 新股新人   (98 bytes , 101reads )
我怎么知道孩子是个重大选择 甜甜不糖   (629 bytes , 115reads )
你三十多岁 flame   (342 bytes , 76reads )
这个。。你都三十好几了 fff   (37 bytes , 60reads )
姑娘你千万想开些 曼陀山茶   (157 bytes , 50reads )
我对我自己的生活很满意 甜甜不糖   (146 bytes , 353reads )
你不明白是因为娃还在你肚子里,还不是眼前一个活蹦乱跳的存在 小馋牛   (224 bytes , 69reads )
其实孩子不是自己来的, love962397   (116 bytes , 77reads )
老公当时非说是爱的结晶 甜甜不糖   (326 bytes , 145reads )
楼主请你 sienzhien7   (381 bytes , 62reads )
还不是你自己的选择 kimihuang   (393 bytes , 65reads )
那你现在觉得是什么地方改变了你的生活? fff   (164 bytes , 56reads )
你生下来就把孩子送人吧。 love962397   (39 bytes , 56reads )
你一个成年人为啥要这样啊 QQMM   (212 bytes , 59reads )
我不觉得日子好与坏成功与否跟婚姻有关系 甜甜不糖   (210 bytes , 95reads )
其实你只是对自己不满恨自己 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 63reads )
从一开始就不想要 甜甜不糖   (688 bytes , 115reads )
“要孩子是个大选择”这还要人和你说?? 花大栗子   (220 bytes , 73reads )
孩子很无辜 彭太太   (44 bytes , 55reads )
我本来挺好的。想干什么就干什么。 甜甜不糖   (356 bytes , 342reads )
看另一个贴 楼主和楼主老公年纪相差较大 fff   (65 bytes , 87reads )
八九个月,引产相当于谋杀了 一念成悦   (219 bytes , 62reads )
看下来也就是你婚姻不幸 QQMM   (338 bytes , 77reads )
你去寻求引产途径吧 flame   (165 bytes , 65reads )
楼主如果不是编故事逗华新群众的话 呼呼怪   (74 bytes , 72reads )
lz的孩子好可怜。。可以问孕几月了吗 小馋牛   (107 bytes , 60reads )
看另一个贴已经八个多月了 走走   (31 bytes , 71reads )
天啊太可怜了... 小馋牛   (28 bytes , 60reads )
这会不会又是一个出来耍吃瓜群众逗闷子的帖子啊 群航   (24 bytes , 61reads )
很有可能是真的, Land22   (235 bytes , 74reads )
楼主的父母算是白养了一个白眼狼了。 hellohihi   (0 bytes , 59reads )
打胎,离婚 hepman   (90 bytes , 63reads )
其实都是自己选择的 嘉兽   (434 bytes , 69reads )
你需要多学习 ellinlin   (0 bytes , 54reads )
成年人自己的日子过得一团糟还往父母身上赖呢? nicho523   (50 bytes , 65reads )
这个不是抑郁症 吴越浪子   (95 bytes , 68reads )
病得不轻 vitamin   (44 bytes , 54reads )
可怜肚子里的孩子 东北女生   (334 bytes , 68reads )
心疼那还未出世的小生命,感觉楼主太狠心了,别折腾孩子行吗? Sglotus   (0 bytes , 61reads )
支持lz楼上一群道德帝 只会灌鸡汤 跟lz父母一样 我爱看书   (0 bytes , 53reads )
楼主明显产前抑郁症 人在狮城2016   (36 bytes , 55reads )
冷静一点 朵朵樱桃   (467 bytes , 57reads )
人生本来就是很绝望的啊 番茄好吃   (485 bytes , 62reads )
明显的抑郁症 泡泡猫   (112 bytes , 82reads )
想开些 淡淡风   (44 bytes , 55reads )
我有个朋友是嫌父母穷的 装比佬1   (10 bytes , 61reads )
不如试着想象自己现在是个单亲妈妈 ghj   (166 bytes , 66reads )
看了楼主说乱蹦乱吃药孩子都没有掉 Eier   (54 bytes , 67reads )
也不能这么说 绿豆芽   (58 bytes , 61reads )
我孕初期坐jetski,大风大浪摔得腿都青了宝宝还好好的。。。 小馋牛   (63 bytes , 72reads )
抱抱楼主 小猪123   (324 bytes , 60reads )
楼主可能过于劳累 Babytaz   (936 bytes , 77reads )
看到层主的第三段,想起了我听过的心理咨询师高浩荣的节目, 克服浮躁   (222 bytes , 55reads )
层主正能量爆棚 leciel   (98 bytes , 65reads )
日子很苦,能改变的是自己的态度和心态 Babytaz   (158 bytes , 54reads )
楼主,人生不是儿戏。 群航   (383 bytes , 67reads )
lz是之前发老公不负责的那位呀 羊驼君   (249 bytes , 109reads )
这个孩子要生下来会很可怜 missliz   (10 bytes , 77reads )
怀孕八九个月了还能打掉吗? 花大栗子   (34 bytes , 68reads )
可能可以引产吧 羊驼君   (112 bytes , 58reads )
千万不要乱吃药, Land22   (16 bytes , 61reads )
楼主去心理咨询会比较好 笑笑iris   (564 bytes , 63reads )
有时候我也会对父母有情绪 沫沫张   (261 bytes , 72reads )
好态度 步伐   (0 bytes , 55reads )
不管怎样父母还是自己的父母 Xiaoyizidan   (38 bytes , 65reads )
感觉是抑郁症...这个言辞吓到我了...阿弥陀佛 米奇和米妮   (0 bytes , 71reads )
这.....爸妈不是万能的 phoebee   (96 bytes , 67reads )
点赞! KITTY2006   (0 bytes , 66reads )
#撕逼大战# 楼主真蠢啊... 父母的处事方式难道不是受限于他们的阅历么? 功夫熊猫   (320 bytes , 82reads )
不要把对父母的怨念带给孩子 justpassby   (78 bytes , 72reads )
这太严重了吧 lisagliu   (30 bytes , 66reads )
楼主去看心理医生吧 一念成悦   (178 bytes , 75reads )
快打掉吧 羊驼君   (69 bytes , 72reads )
怨念极重 leciel   (30 bytes , 64reads )
huh?!! lomo35   (42 bytes , 63reads )
我的天啊楼主你可能有点抑郁了 绿豆芽   (18 bytes , 70reads )