所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2018-03-07 18:14  更多评分:

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Elaborating on the scheme, Senior Minister of State for Health Chee Hong Tat said: "Any pre-existing conditions that are covered prior to the switch will not be excluded."

This should also apply to people currently with full riders who want to switch to the new scheme to save money. Said Mr Chee: "We expect the new riders to have lower premiums than full riders, so the switch will result in premium savings for policyholders."

As for those who already have riders, Mr Chee said: "We recognise that existing rider policies are commercial contracts between insurers and their policy holders.

"If insurers intend to make changes to their existing policies, they should consider the interest and well-being of all policy holders , as they seek to keep premiums affordable for everyone in the longer term."

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那去问agent啊 QQMM   (38 bytes , 42reads )
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我去年住NUH,开刀,索赔了 猪猪和米米   (31 bytes , 35reads )
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x4   (44 bytes , 28reads )
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明白了 小花兄   (15 bytes , 29reads )
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亲,能问下你说的是什么保险公司的? GreenDragon   (36 bytes , 24reads )
是的 x4   (35 bytes , 23reads )
3.8之前提交的保单呢? 花开水暖   (43 bytes , 22reads )
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Term Life可以考虑Aviva,从保费和保障内容上,都比较有优势。 用心聆听   (281 bytes , 48reads )
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全是这种 no8D8U   (105 bytes , 29reads )
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哇,这个不太好吧 lisagliu   (22 bytes , 38reads )
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