所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2018-04-29 16:23  更多评分:

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吐槽 - 被人怼“go back to China” michaelCai   (423 bytes , 4156reads )
哈哈,以前我因为这句话也在这发过贴 天下乌贼一般黑   (40 bytes , 27reads )
哈哈 ellinlin   (30 bytes , 18reads )
你可以 说 you go to hell! DZ   (82 bytes , 28reads )
阿三碰到童车怎么 嘉兽   (71 bytes , 106reads )
这车看起来像是孟加拉 快快跑   (0 bytes , 24reads )
应该是印度 kusubudo   (80 bytes , 18reads )
搜索了一下孟加拉铁路,似乎也是长这样的 快快跑   (236 bytes , 18reads )
哈哈哈 楼主看开点 要不要gobacktochina是ica决定的 功夫熊猫   (28 bytes , 30reads )
你让他go back to india tinta   (0 bytes , 26reads )
你关键时刻嘴软,看来没有训练过,尤其对这垃圾人,说shut up, you go back to India! DZ   (0 bytes , 23reads )
不用理他 flyjc   (26 bytes , 21reads )
还好 michaelCai   (66 bytes , 43reads )
是的 flyjc   (6 bytes , 30reads )
当然是怼 typhoonzj   (19 bytes , 27reads )
你这答案绝了 kusubudo   (20 bytes , 28reads )
可以左右摇头 自由飞   (35 bytes , 23reads )
哈哈 michaelCai   (114 bytes , 46reads )
那个摇头不好学啊 kusubudo   (15 bytes , 28reads )
安啦, 花无声   (71 bytes , 23reads )
竖起一根食指晃晃给阿三看 Lilusin   (106 bytes , 43reads )
婴儿车可以不折叠的 tu1pig   (51 bytes , 50reads )
lz别气la Liushabao   (201 bytes , 28reads )
岛上全是外来户 五只小笨熊   (0 bytes , 29reads )
哈哈,虎摸楼主 巴蜀到南洋   (64 bytes , 35reads )
三哥以为自己是true blue系的 kcowen   (0 bytes , 29reads )
目测怼go back to India也是很工整的 巴蜀到南洋   (0 bytes , 33reads )