IKEA aims to refrain from the use of chemicals and substances that can be harmful to people and the environment. IKEA welcomes the new EU REACH legislation on chemicals and substances which is in line with the IKEA precautionary approach to chemicals. All IKEA products for all markets, globally, shall comply with the chemical restrictions in the REACH legislation.
Each year thousands of tests are carried out on IKEA products during the development stage. Even more tests are conducted during production. Once a product is approved for production, any proposed changes to the product or to the production method are reviewed by IKEA to decide whether additional risk assessment testing is required.
We must also ensure that banned chemicals such as formaldehyde and phthalates don’t exceed IKEA requirements. IKEA has a third-party accredited test laboratory that is certified each year by external auditors and third-party accredited test laboratories perform random tests. IKEA requires suppliers to order certified products testing by third party auditors.