Launch day special
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2018-10-27 13:40

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Huawei will be holding a launch sale event at Causeway Point, Level 1, Round Atrium on the 27th October 2018, from 10:30am till 10pm. Customers who purchase a Mate 20 or Mate 20 Pro at this event will receive an additional premium gift worth up to S$463. We’re still trying to confirm with Huawei the exact items in either gift pack for both phones, but going by its estimated value, it’s highly likely that Huawei will throw in both the 128GB nano memory card and 15W fast wireless charger, which will be the two most useful accessories for this phone. This will put your Mate 20/Pro at 256GB storage right off the bat.

All Mate 20 and Mate 20 Pro customers are also entitled to Huawei HICARE PRESTIGE package, which includes one year door-to-door repair with pick-up and delivery service, two years device warranty, and three months screen insurance.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
华为Max 20 这么火爆? 三叶草青青   (140 bytes , 6259reads )
晚上约了去签华为 tornadoyq   (125 bytes , 39reads )
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Mate 20? 我来看你了   (0 bytes , 39reads )
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哈哈我也看到了 maimai78   (18 bytes , 37reads )
是的 苹果手表就废了… yydy   (0 bytes , 28reads )
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朋友的朋友去排了, 拿了号了, 等了3个多小时放弃了. 说完全就是che[…] yydy   (194 bytes , 29reads )
我同意那个流程特别复杂太浪费时间 三叶草青青   (91 bytes , 26reads )
哈哈。这个广告做得好 小艾喜欢草莓   (6 bytes , 70reads )
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Mate 10 pro 不是屏幕指纹解锁 开始了   (10 bytes , 36reads )
哦 意思是p20换成前屏幕解锁了? typhoonzj   (56 bytes , 46reads )
Mate 20 pro , not p20 开始了   (20 bytes , 23reads )
在file里找 笑天   (83 bytes , 30reads )
Under internal storage/tencent/microMsg/wechat 开始了   (0 bytes , 39reads )
相册里会有个名为微信的相册,下载的图片在里边 nianyu   (0 bytes , 54reads )
经常找不到 -_-||   (64 bytes , 34reads )
我用p20pro没这个问题 nianyu   (0 bytes , 24reads )
准备换华为 它山之石   (36 bytes , 34reads )
华为手机是还不错,可是这种宣传方式有点太low qqdriver   (85 bytes , 36reads )
可能只是开玩笑 不一定是说一定可以挣钱 三叶草青青   (61 bytes , 46reads )
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以前 iamet   (112 bytes , 70reads )
是叫Mate 20 iamet   (98 bytes , 82reads )
刚才路过vivo的best denki paaanda   (20 bytes , 36reads )
这没什么 maosheng   (24 bytes , 33reads )
Launch day special 花生豆   (855 bytes , 81reads )
有一种东西叫水军 qqdriver   (0 bytes , 28reads )
可能是吧 国内网上也断货了 三叶草青青   (0 bytes , 47reads )
我们10点到的 differ1210   (66 bytes , 41reads )
真的很多人排队 蛐蛐   (36 bytes , 40reads )
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那我就不去了 太可怕了 人超多 三叶草青青   (0 bytes , 28reads )
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乌节路没送礼品吧 三叶草青青   (0 bytes , 28reads )
有送 -_-||   (42 bytes , 44reads )
早上过去的时候人太多 先回来了 三叶草青青   (26 bytes , 27reads )
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