我也不每个回复了。 你这一层的第一句我是赞成的,官员要回复怎么改进,为什么会发生、而不是回复“我们管不着。。你自己sign up, you know the risk.” 我的论点跟PR什么服兵役什么没关。。。我的论点是怎么才更好的处理这种问题,我相信新加坡NS的管理几十年也是一直在进步的,我也相信有的进步就是建立在某些个人的牺牲和群体的愤怒和抱怨之上的。
因为我在某个行业工作,太多人工伤,要看公司怎么处理这些问题,你可以对员工家属说,“there is nothing we can do because he signed up for the job, he knew the risks, but he didnt follow one procedure . and that was the cause.” 公司也可以反思一下, are there any other ways to make it safer at reasonable cost? Can we design away the problem? Can we help the workers follow the right procedure? Can we have more preventive measures?