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Secondary Schools that are offering GEP, or SBGE

The Gifted Education Programme came to a close in secondary schools in 2008, now in its place, School-based Gifted Education (SBGE). All of the secondary schools that offer the SBGE are IP schools. There are generally two classes per cohort/year/level for SBGE students, but sometimes there may only be one class per cohort, depending on the size.[2]

Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
Dunman High School
Hwa Chong Institution
Nanyang Girls' High School
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science
Raffles Girls School (Secondary)
Raffles Institution

Beginning in 2006, the MOE started to phase out the secondary GEP due to the impact of the IP. However, GEP pupils who do not wish to take up the Integrated Programme after 2008 can enroll in schools with school-based special programmes at Secondary one. Examples of such schools are Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Catholic High School, Methodist Girls' School and St. Joseph's Institution.

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【其它话题】今年GEP的数据 xiaonh   (424 bytes , 20070reads )
刚刚遇到一个18岁上下的GEP 三好   (157 bytes , 76reads )
看到楼里恨多人说什么父母学历好孩子就会高智商的 不理你可以吗?   (39 bytes , 57reads )
凡事都没有绝对 typhoonzj   (5 bytes , 42reads )
楼主数据出处哪里? litchi   (46 bytes , 33reads )
生源都是差不多的 daodao   (41 bytes , 34reads )
谢谢大家 xiaonh   (42 bytes , 59reads )
我也贡献一个成年gep的例子 甲乙丙丁阿阿阿   (178 bytes , 72reads )
随白色飞翔   (77 bytes , 36reads )
听他说开灭虫公司初期投入会比较大,主要是设备和员工培训。 甲乙丙丁阿阿阿   (72 bytes , 40reads )
之前好像也是华新上看到 随白色飞翔   (154 bytes , 39reads )
哈哈哈哈 mirage   (0 bytes , 21reads )
有没有转学的信息可以分享 seahorse28   (65 bytes , 166reads )
没有最近的例子,但是几年前我老板的儿砸没中GEP,转学去了乐赛 yydy   (22 bytes , 280reads )
这个名单不全, iND   (352 bytes , 75reads )
可惜了 wull   (42 bytes , 52reads )
RGPS 常年稳定在20左右 trip99   (249 bytes , 135reads )
曾经的GEP的孩子们又考上了GEP 鹏哥   (101 bytes , 52reads )
去年的民间不完全统计 随便转转   (883 bytes , 220reads )
综合来讲 litchi   (41 bytes , 96reads )
这三所邻里小学分处不同GRC 喜欢吃火锅   (40 bytes , 40reads )
不好意思啊 xiaonh   (74 bytes , 60reads )
完全没问题哦 喜欢吃火锅   (92 bytes , 36reads )
那培华和武吉知马小学比呢? litchi   (66 bytes , 93reads )
培华是华文特选 随白色飞翔   (12 bytes , 36reads )
不在一个档次 随便转转   (225 bytes , 39reads )
培华和武吉知马相比 喜欢吃火锅   (72 bytes , 302reads )
听说 firestone   (24 bytes , 33reads )
培华每年gep都秒了南华 robin2006   (81 bytes , 142reads )
瞎扯 吴越浪子   (25 bytes , 41reads )
留空的是不知道几个 随便转转   (41 bytes , 35reads )
好吧 吴越浪子   (12 bytes , 37reads )
启发是个什么小学? 随白色飞翔   (14 bytes , 70reads )
从这里看盛港这边一共进了至少9个 typhoonzj   (159 bytes , 156reads )
应该是11个 typhoonzj   (4 bytes , 26reads )
看了你这个数据后我觉得可能楼主的数据太少了。 不理你可以吗?   (42 bytes , 40reads )
哇塞 youyouy2k   (18 bytes , 43reads )
微信群 随便转转   (10 bytes , 30reads )
GEP的微信群? 南勍   (6 bytes , 53reads )
那个群很安静 随便转转   (110 bytes , 46reads )
我来分析一下南洋小学为啥有这么多考上GEP的学生 喜欢吃火锅   (260 bytes , 301reads )
还有很多校友 随白色飞翔   (40 bytes , 103reads )
还有想进GEP还有 夜明亮   (79 bytes , 85reads )
认识很多不是头三个月的 xinxin1790   (54 bytes , 44reads )
看完这两年的民间数据 武汉伢   (186 bytes , 38reads )
进南洋RGPS 夜明亮   (65 bytes , 61reads )
发现这话有歧义 武汉伢   (39 bytes , 30reads )
成长的环境 夜明亮   (50 bytes , 37reads )
你也应该把娃塞进南洋...... Daniel2007   (66 bytes , 55reads )
没钱买南洋小学一公里之内的房子啊! 喜欢吃火锅   (128 bytes , 56reads )
本版鸡血家长好多啊 熊维妮   (21 bytes , 45reads )
rulang 5个 bukit timah 8个 随白色飞翔   (35 bytes , 60reads )
只有这几个学校的学生考上了吗? 三好   (37 bytes , 42reads )
比较感兴趣的时候 毛绒绒滴小河马   (37 bytes , 50reads )
抠脚大汉 船长Kunkka   (8 bytes , 30reads )
沈颖是不是 xiaonh   (46 bytes , 38reads )
贡献一个成年gep的例子。 福娃die   (95 bytes , 44reads )
其实可以参照国内的科大少年班 shearwater   (403 bytes , 38reads )
现在还有中学GEP吗? solo_estoy   (84 bytes , 105reads )
现在中学已经没有GEP班了 不理你可以吗?   (93 bytes , 142reads )
那是有IP之前的事了 solo_estoy   (131 bytes , 74reads )
我问的ACS中学没有GEP班呀…… Daniel2007   (55 bytes , 65reads )
ACS(I) solo_estoy   (997 bytes , 56reads )
ACS 中学比GEP班好 夜明亮   (48 bytes , 225reads )
倒不是因为这个。 Daniel2007   (14 bytes , 34reads )
哈哈,不用担心,都好着呢 不理你可以吗?   (32 bytes , 39reads )
还想看 毛绒绒滴小河马   (234 bytes , 49reads )
同样感兴趣 Keykey   (6 bytes , 25reads )
不好意思说一句,觉得在这提这些,有点煞风景啊~ しろ   (630 bytes , 55reads )
这个坐火车的比喻很好 小寒   (0 bytes , 38reads )
我想了解教育制度的改革 毛绒绒滴小河马   (76 bytes , 34reads )
自所不欲 夜明亮   (77 bytes , 35reads )
可以用兰花指 随便转转   (30 bytes , 29reads )
层主也一样啊 しろ   (16 bytes , 30reads )
女子无才便是德。 shaokunlun   (0 bytes , 38reads )
所以我没有市场啊 しろ   (12 bytes , 35reads )
五谷道场? 风舞黑牛   (0 bytes , 26reads )
这位kunlun大侠你这是刚从昆仑山下来的吗? 风舞黑牛   (0 bytes , 27reads )
正宗昆仑帮帮主 shaokunlun   (0 bytes , 21reads )
幸会幸会啊!您不说我以为是山大王派来促进华新繁荣的 风舞黑牛   (0 bytes , 30reads )
孙悟空降黑牛,没毛病 shaokunlun   (0 bytes , 25reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. wull   (67 bytes , 12reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. shaokunlun   (24 bytes , 9reads )
@青空, @loveice, @小妖霖霖, @icky wull   (108 bytes , 39reads )
收到 icky   (1156 bytes , 67reads )
没感觉上来讲孩子GEP的在炫耀 呆猫长不大   (214 bytes , 38reads )
家长是985里比较好的高考得有省前1000名 typhoonzj   (36 bytes , 65reads )
中流985就是百里挑一了,一流985就是千里挑一,清北是万里挑一 baronbaron   (60 bytes , 41reads )
不敢回复别的楼,借你的回复一下 wangjileya   (285 bytes , 31reads )
問題在於抱著這樣心態的家長就會給小孩加GEP補習啊 icky   (410 bytes , 70reads )
支持一下   (55 bytes , 23reads )
哪有那么多gifted,以前0.5%-0.8% Daniel2007   (133 bytes , 41reads )
多数家长是冲着第一轮那10%去的 喜欢吃火锅   (19 bytes , 35reads )
其实也就是中国移民这么重视 喜欢吃火锅   (78 bytes , 149reads )
Nanyang 这个local Kaisu parents 集中营里新移民应该不超过5% 妈妈宝宝   (248 bytes , 56reads )
校友里面也可能有新移民啊 Spring   (0 bytes , 25reads )
你尽然用繁体 wangjileya   (28 bytes , 20reads )
说的有道理 喜欢吃火锅   (448 bytes , 300reads )
有点过了 随便转转   (115 bytes , 28reads )
我现在对炫耀这事看开了 mirage   (74 bytes , 32reads )
诗经《大雅·瞻卬》了解一下 shaokunlun   (102 bytes , 31reads )
有书为证 shaokunlun   (58 bytes , 75reads )
呵呵,还青空 shaokunlun   (34 bytes , 43reads )
可惜了 wull   (49 bytes , 33reads )
为啥您老的也被删了呢 shaokunlun   (52 bytes , 23reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. wull   (54 bytes , 7reads )
呵呵,您又露出本像了。 shaokunlun   (0 bytes , 25reads )
看出来了 wull   (35 bytes , 35reads )
可以是福,也可能是祸 夜明亮   (162 bytes , 51reads )
我认识一个成年GEPper solo_estoy   (106 bytes , 86reads )
能愉快的过生活 夜明亮   (40 bytes , 43reads )
挺好 mirage   (0 bytes , 37reads )
知道一些考上GEP决定不去的孩子,其实他们后来都不赖 不理你可以吗?   (218 bytes , 79reads )
漏了一小类 mirage   (15 bytes , 63reads )
其实这一类他们本来就不是属于GEP,出来了可能对他们会更好。 不理你可以吗?   (44 bytes , 52reads )