所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2019-01-01 22:17

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2003年庭审过程中 Huawei admits to a little copying(参考CNET相关新闻)
Huawei Technologies said in court papers filed this week that it used some of Cisco Systems' source code in its routers.
The China-based router maker says a few lines of Cisco source code inadvertently got into its products. But the copying wasn't as pervasive as Cisco claims in a lawsuit, the company says.
(自己想象下什么算a little copying)

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再也不不看原文就随便转载了 毛绒绒滴小河马   (10 bytes , 19reads )
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circle life虚拟运营商 newniu   (22 bytes , 18reads )
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singtel 爱立信 功夫熊猫   (23 bytes , 20reads )
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楼主拉低了 本坛逼格 面壁思过去 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 25reads )
啊。。。 毛绒绒滴小河马   (22 bytes , 16reads )
最好中英文都搜索一遍 Peppsi   (12 bytes , 20reads )
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严谨的吃瓜群众们 毛绒绒滴小河马   (60 bytes , 17reads )