所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-04-22 12:45

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
“We are in the same storm but are NOT in the same boat."

A few examples...

I have several friends who have lost loved ones from Covid.  A father.  A brother.  And several more who have lost friends.  I have other friends who think this is a hoax, a conspiracy, or a creation of the media.  I wish I could introduce them to each other.

I have friends who are saying this is a wonderful time of rest and relaxation.  I have others who are working 18 hour days and exhausted.

I have friends talking about using this time to learn and grow.  I have others who are simply trying to emotionally survive and make it through each day. 

I have friends who live alone who are dying from loneliness.  I have other friends whose greatest desire is to get 1 hour out of the house away from spouse or children who are driving them up the wall.

It just makes me think.....I wonder if we could just be a bit more empathetic - to understand that, no, we are NOT going through the same thing as the person next to us.

Empathy demands us to stop projecting our experience onto everyone else and REALLY listen to what THEY are going through.

We are in the same storm but different boats. Let’s support each other through this unprecedented time of difficulty.

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