所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-05-29 10:40

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As explained in our earlier reply to xxxxx, the Republic of Singapore Air Force's (RSAF) flying training in Singapore is necessary to keep our pilots proficient and to maintain the RSAF's operational readiness to safeguard Singapore's skies.

Due to Singapore's limited airspace, our military aircraft will inevitably fly over some residential areas.

Today, the RSAF conducts a portion of flying training using simulators and a significant portion of flying training is done overseas. For local training, the RSAF also minimises the number of flights during the wee hours and flight routes are planned to reduce flying over populated areas where possible. These measures reduce the impact of military aircraft noise to the public.

We thank the public for their understanding regarding the RSAF's flying activities and their continued support for national defence.

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