Where physical interaction cannot be avoided, precautions should be taken to ensure clear physical spacing of at least 1 metre between persons at all times through the following12:
Employers must demarcate safe physical distances (at least 1m apart) at the workplace premises with visual indicators or through physical means13. This must also be applied to common spaces14, where congregation or queuing of employees or visitors / clients might occur, where reasonably practicable.
If there is a critical need for physical meetings to proceed, employers should limit the number of attendees and shorten their durations.
Employers who are service buyers should also require their suppliers / contractors to implement similar safe distancing measures, so that operations and business interactions with these suppliers / contractors are kept safe. Where physical interactions are still necessary, e.g. delivery of goods, employers must adopt precautionary measures such as scheduling delivery times by different suppliers in a staggered manner. The durations of such transactions should be kept as short as possible.