所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-07-19 20:20

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
只是他lost himself。

Will you dare to help him find himself and emerge stronger together?
It is not easy to do. It may fail at last.
But if you still believe, believe that you are the one for him, don't give up or give in to fate. Fight for yourself and for both of you. Let your heart guide you to next step.


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问题的关键是男方拒绝成为女方所期望的样子 香吉   (80 bytes , 18reads )
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楼主恕我直言。 我爱读书   (374 bytes , 16reads )
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想知道lz跟他从认识到现在到底有多久了 sixsixsix   (609 bytes , 11reads )
早离是福 西瓜灌顶   (121 bytes , 16reads )
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看不出另一方的努力,婚姻是两个人的事情 bbss   (130 bytes , 26reads )
感觉上你们已经进入恶性循环 猫猫铃   (124 bytes , 24reads )
讲真,我没看到硬伤 小馋牛   (812 bytes , 30reads )
说得挺中肯的 石头的眼泪   (432 bytes , 43reads )
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男的30多 女的20多 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 16reads )
我的理解是男的二十大几,女的二十小几 date123   (30 bytes , 14reads )
我也是这么想的 whatahell   (0 bytes , 19reads )
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沙发。。。楼主是大叔控? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 20reads )
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+1 守白   (0 bytes , 22reads )
楼上说的也有道理 我爱吃土豆   (240 bytes , 26reads )
奔四 Ke33   (121 bytes , 30reads )
如果 MichelleYS   (102 bytes , 22reads )
快离婚 三好   (31 bytes , 18reads )
既然无数次想过离婚,那就应该不要犹豫了。 NewOriental   (892 bytes , 38reads )
千万别要娃 cherrympp5   (128 bytes , 62reads )
给层主点赞 守白   (40 bytes , 20reads )
趁着年轻没孩子,果断分 love962397   (124 bytes , 17reads )
玛雅 listenncare   (128 bytes , 20reads )
mm刚二十出头啊? Jackie_2   (24 bytes , 39reads )
我觉得这些都是婚姻磨合期的正常现象 车水马龙   (44 bytes , 16reads )
如果不想离婚 可以赌一把要个孩子 奶茶mm   (76 bytes , 17reads )
对孩子还是要负责的吧 Sager   (150 bytes , 10reads )
你这个是 vitesse   (67 bytes , 15reads )
两年了 奶茶mm   (120 bytes , 12reads )
婚姻不是赌注 黑猪也疯狂   (82 bytes , 13reads )
这个建议。。 妖妖z   (115 bytes , 37reads )
婚姻继续维持的必要因素。 douknnowme   (79 bytes , 16reads )
人是很难改变的 随便转转   (626 bytes , 18reads )
我却看到你们仍旧拥有很多别人没有的东西 Xsd   (354 bytes , 25reads )
没娃赶紧离 一米阳光   (12 bytes , 12reads )
已经快奔四的人,每月到手不到三四千 date123   (32 bytes , 27reads )
我一个月四千 刚上班不久 还在努力中。 y1s1y2s2   (10 bytes , 46reads )
坚决离! date123   (110 bytes , 21reads )
同意 守白   (163 bytes , 14reads )
一般劝和不劝离 花开水暖   (28 bytes , 26reads )
对方是剩男 Newtimes   (30 bytes , 22reads )
刚在一起时他帮我走出一段很痛苦的经历 y1s1y2s2   (114 bytes , 43reads )
要多个心眼 Newtimes   (30 bytes , 22reads )
最好不要有孩子 Newtimes   (39 bytes , 14reads )
如果改变无望 我爱吃土豆   (72 bytes , 18reads )
在他那里,我永远都是错的。 y1s1y2s2   (46 bytes , 35reads )