所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-07-30 19:34  更多评分:

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前一个phase 的住址都在系统里
“ Even so, a child who gains priority admission through their distance category is required to reside at the address used for registration for at least 30 months from the start of the P1 Registration Exercise on 1 July 2020. If this condition is not met, MOE reserves the right to transfer the child to another school with vacancies, as the priority admission to the first school was based on the declared address used for registration.”

以上摘自moe 官网 ,划重点“7月1日”

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请教小一报名地址问题 你若安好   (140 bytes , 1290reads )
亲测可以的,2B没报上。。。2C前换地址比如立刻租房是OK的 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 21reads )
我报2c收到这样的邮件 蛋蛋2009   (51 bytes , 23reads )
如果5月31号后改的地址 随白色飞翔   (33 bytes , 16reads )
哪里有这句话? 蛋蛋2009   (21 bytes , 16reads )
在官方qna里 随白色飞翔   (308 bytes , 14reads )
今年都online suse2011   (505 bytes , 15reads )
是的,每年都是自报名第一天起住址不可以更改。 sunnysunnyrain   (62 bytes , 22reads )
不可以不同phase换地址 sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 40reads )
出处? qingni2   (0 bytes , 23reads )
MOE 30个月的规定,请仔细参读。 sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 21reads )
最后一个问题 suse2011   (92 bytes , 36reads )
可以的。你搜下,之前板上讨论过。 emilia   (123 bytes , 20reads )
可以,会,会 刘菜园   (0 bytes , 17reads )
地址的事情最好直接问moe 妖刀   (28 bytes , 36reads )