所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-11-24 14:42

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
当时写邮件前还专门先打电话口头投诉。 虽然知道影响不了什么,也得恶心一下他,让HR看看他有没有玩猫腻 Hi Ella and Siew Lin, unfortunately my feedback to the interview and interviewer is very negative. It wasted me 30mins of time, effort to fix the camera issue and some of my patience. Let me tell you why. During the first call to arrange an interview, my application was mistaken with another role (accountant manager?). Not a big deal as I believe such thing could happen when coordinating with numerous CVs and hiring managers. However today's interview with Raghul was simply terrible: 1. Rahul walked away to spent about 10 minutes on another "important" incoming call. If 1min quick break I can understand but it was obviously an engaged discussion. That is very unpleasant and reflects to me that: a. Interviewer is not respectful to candidate's time; b. If it is a call that could must be answered by him immediately in the middle of an interview, your company has a high key man risk. c. If it is from someone that Rahul always has to answer immediately, something wrong with the company's culture and management. I hope this is not the case. 2. When Rahul came back to the desk, he asked me to continue, but he was still checking his phone when I spoke. I had to ask him to settle his stuff first before we moved on. 3. Despite above disruption, I kept my patience and expected more rounds of communication afterwards. However, the rewards of my manner was Rahul's quick conclusion that there is no skill matching, while we were still in our first question. To me it was a vague question. I tried to answer it in a few different ways to align with Rahul's points, while he didn't seem satisfied, neither attempted to guide. When I asked for his answer to the question, he just gave similar answer as mine, saying that I didn't articulate it well, which I totally disagree. 4. When I interview candidates, I ask them at least 3 questions to assess the strength and weakness objectively. I believe you know much better than me why not to conclude based on only one question. 5. Rahul mentioned he expected the candidate to already have the counter party credit risk experience as fundamental skills. It was not highlighted in my CV, nor confirmed with me via call. I don't know how my profile was picked up and agreed by Rahul for interview. It shows poor communication/process within the company. Rahul may argue that he naturally expects it from a candidate working in risk for a sizable bank. That expectation is wrong, because the bank is big and people specialise in different areas. To me it shows arragonce when you don't know the outside world, and deny them based on 1 question. After all, my feedback to you is: improve your recruitment process and respect to candidates. The last thing you want to hear from candidate is: luckily I didn't passed the interview. That is my feeling today. :) Take care

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
觉得某国内电商公司对求职者no respect Pppp_90   (549 bytes , 7747reads )
想要快速解决bug,提高服务质量和用户体验 andy99   (130 bytes , 15reads )
这明显已经是有内定的国内人选 花より男子   (73 bytes , 16reads )
s做的乱七八糟... funny189   (168 bytes , 8reads )
你确定bug多么 Dabao111   (140 bytes , 11reads )
一看标题以为你要怼我.... funny189   (28 bytes , 7reads )
Lz说了对方没问具体专业问题 andy99   (99 bytes , 14reads )
不必惊讶 贝爷   (67 bytes , 19reads )
这就是坐井观天了 rjm   (164 bytes , 15reads )
不一定吧 贝爷   (165 bytes , 14reads )
很多美国互联网公司用了大把阿三 andy99   (241 bytes , 11reads )
为何我会想到可能会是觉得对方"上进心"过强有威胁 andy99   (108 bytes , 16reads )
本地的银行还觉得你能进入已经是特权了 功夫瞎猫   (18 bytes , 19reads )
哈哈哈我们广告业也是的。 emilia   (215 bytes , 16reads )
这就和农民起义一样 rjm   (120 bytes , 15reads )
香港那些"活跃分子"差不多 andy99   (92 bytes , 24reads )
学了个词:"技术工匠" 一点不懂   (0 bytes , 14reads )
我以前还参加dnd的时候还接过某大mnc打过来的电话面试 Seabass   (72 bytes , 17reads )
没办法,当初不这样SEA的李小冬昨天拿不到新加坡杰出商人奖 andy99   (102 bytes , 12reads )
沙发 不明白据的快也有错不浪费彼此时间 功夫熊猫   (29 bytes , 13reads )
你没看明白吧 rjm   (148 bytes , 6reads )
这种面试,只有以前在学校的时候遇到过 rjm   (353 bytes , 14reads )
版上"赚大钱"的SEA系公司的,要感谢李小冬 andy99   (65 bytes , 23reads )
感觉你挺崇拜他们的。高层其中几个背景和普通人不一样, uranus   (58 bytes , 29reads )
你理解错了 andy99   (349 bytes , 13reads )
我第一贴的意思是说,即使是新加坡独资的本地公司,有时候文化也和996 uranus   (457 bytes , 26reads )
欧美公司人家搞技术的大都真喜欢投入,挣钱可能连前3位重要性都排不上 andy99   (276 bytes , 11reads )
版上很多人对欧美有些不切实际的想象 grab   (205 bytes , 23reads )
硅谷996的都是小创业公司吧。 emilia   (369 bytes , 14reads )
新加坡的字节吗? 南冰   (0 bytes , 11reads )
所以我怀疑楼主可能是因为间接透露了某些信息使得对方判断出不愿意996文化 andy99   (335 bytes , 11reads )
不见得是996的问题 rjm   (145 bytes , 13reads )
可能是,也可能不是 andy99   (227 bytes , 9reads )
你怕是没在日企工作过吧,窒息。 grab   (22 bytes , 27reads )
知道日本文化的"魅力" andy99   (131 bytes , 11reads )
活的更像人? andy99   (262 bytes , 16reads )
今天新加坡的人力部长和未开国家二把手都去了虾皮 andy99   (97 bytes , 21reads )
在新加坡很多wp,sp干5天班甚至6天 andy99   (171 bytes , 15reads )
另外有股权激励的 andy99   (87 bytes , 12reads )
核心问题是价值观不正,不能输出价值观 rjm   (38 bytes , 13reads )
这个不能这么说吧 andy99   (91 bytes , 15reads )
看问题要全面呀 rjm   (72 bytes , 15reads )
不明白什么是具体威胁? andy99   (112 bytes , 13reads )
就怕最后 bobo1318   (32 bytes , 14reads )
那是不可能的 andy99   (171 bytes , 11reads )
愿打愿挨的话,那还要劳动法作甚? rjm   (68 bytes , 10reads )
中国要发展必然要经历这段 andy99   (172 bytes , 12reads )
问题是对普通员工来说,华为起来了有啥好处? rjm   (0 bytes , 14reads )
2010年以前,轻松在深圳买房 andy99   (248 bytes , 13reads )
那你知不知道2010年前的情况 rjm   (202 bytes , 10reads )
同一时间同一范围的房价来看 andy99   (195 bytes , 17reads )
外行了吧 johnhxx   (94 bytes , 21reads )
至于现在除了996没其他选项 andy99   (356 bytes , 8reads )
2010年前后 andy99   (113 bytes , 10reads )
996模式让中资走不出去 坡县的猴   (39 bytes , 12reads )
市场经济决定,只要不太过分 andy99   (194 bytes , 13reads )
对很多人来说钱其实不是关键 坡县的猴   (36 bytes , 18reads )
所以我说的愿打愿挨嘛 andy99   (216 bytes , 10reads )
分享我向HR投诉一个阿三interviewer的邮件 BANK_ITER   (2927 bytes , 40reads )
好奇hr后来回复没 lhh   (18 bytes , 14reads )
HR有回复如下 BANK_ITER   (399 bytes , 29reads )
看你是银行IT bobo1318   (54 bytes , 13reads )
已经转换跑道多年 BANK_ITER   (54 bytes , 18reads )
不schedule面试就直接打电话进黑名单就好了。 github   (31 bytes , 14reads )
其实第一轮并不是技能和实力查询 嘉兽   (146 bytes , 15reads )
实话告诉你,就是做做样子。 苔条麻花   (108 bytes , 14reads )
如果是印度公司或者中国公司 bobo1318   (264 bytes , 18reads )
比如对方听出了这个人的"上进心" andy99   (82 bytes , 12reads )
我还没有遇到过不预约直接打电话的 tellastory1   (169 bytes , 20reads )
HR这种短的电面看一下情况的突击打很正常的吧。。。一般最多也就15,20分钟。 SuperEgg20   (97 bytes , 21reads )
打电话给我的不是HR Pppp_90   (56 bytes , 17reads )
这么看可能是我说的第二种情况 andy99   (120 bytes , 16reads )
Pppp_90   (182 bytes , 21reads )
你说你曾经也招过人 andy99   (125 bytes , 16reads )
不止国内 futing189   (269 bytes , 43reads )
你的还至少先发message了 Pppp_90   (40 bytes , 22reads )
s开头的?还能拒信不错了…… sonatam   (22 bytes , 24reads )
去S面过一次,对方云山雾罩,印象极差 米子   (340 bytes , 22reads )
家属在s做database 多动症儿童   (38 bytes , 42reads )
要黑五了 vanessa921   (22 bytes , 21reads )
忙的好,有奖金不? andy99   (24 bytes , 7reads )
我猜你家属不做 Oracle exadata,S那边没人会 米子   (457 bytes , 19reads )
会不会不知道 多动症儿童   (18 bytes , 28reads )
s是指shopee吗 Pppp_90   (32 bytes , 25reads )
我想应该算是中资色彩浓厚的新加坡公司 uranus   (58 bytes , 23reads )
好奇怎么样算是中资色彩浓厚 养不大的天使猪   (15 bytes , 30reads )
不光中资 debu99   (136 bytes , 25reads )
求私信,求告知 南冰   (0 bytes , 9reads )
干996的活 Seabass   (12 bytes , 12reads )
C开头的是哪家? 我爱读书   (10 bytes , 9reads )
可能算上人情味浓厚+逢年过节公司中餐? 米子   (272 bytes , 10reads )
我说的资金股权,公司文化不清楚,行业不同。 uranus   (157 bytes , 14reads )
资金股权不是必然的 andy99   (85 bytes , 13reads )
中资背景不等于996文化 andy99   (178 bytes , 13reads )
只是phone interview而已啊 leongfei   (298 bytes , 26reads )
果断投诉 功夫瞎猫   (0 bytes , 14reads )
当然也有可能是回答的问题 andy99   (160 bytes , 19reads )
看起来只是走个过场而已 andy99   (61 bytes , 23reads )
还是某中国公司 debu99   (82 bytes , 25reads )
遇到过类似的 Dabao111   (51 bytes , 16reads )
越是高层或重要岗位,外部的越难插进去 andy99   (22 bytes , 19reads )
原来是这样! haowan   (22 bytes , 22reads )
我其实也有可能性这样 Pppp_90   (89 bytes , 23reads )