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Doctor salary in Singapore
Median salary: $12,052

Doctors have the potential to earn top dollar in Singapore. That being said, becoming a doctor is a hard slog and takes many years of surviving a hyper competitive educational pathway as well as working long hours for years.

After medical school, graduates train for a year at a local hospital with a salary of about $3,600, after which they will start earning about $4,500 to $6,000+ depending on their shifts. Shifts can last more than 24 hours and medical officers must often remain on call on weekends and at night.

It’s only after these first few years that they can start to enjoy better work-life balance and command a higher salary. At this point, many seek further training or even complete a post-graduate degree. Doctors must be prepared to specialise in one area or set up their own clinics to really improve their earnings.

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哎 70岁了还在洗碗 红色彗星   (171 bytes , 6407reads )
L中国的根本问题是人多,制度还是其次 andy99   (95 bytes , 21reads )
2005年至2015年,毕业的医学生约为450万人,但从事医生职业的却只有70万人。 spyr   (148 bytes , 16reads )
新加坡就是人为限制医生供给,来抬高医生的收入 qingni2   (147 bytes , 21reads )
这个课题其实可以探讨一下 笑天   (47 bytes , 22reads )
医生工作强度比996还大 Seabass   (5 bytes , 22reads )
中国大陆不清楚 andy99   (40 bytes , 18reads )
那种挣得应该不多 Seabass   (890 bytes , 20reads )
码工?怎么嫌码农不好听? 天涯海角刚好   (42 bytes , 19reads )
不只是钱 spyr   (99 bytes , 26reads )
大城市做什么又不是996 大力出奇迹   (0 bytes , 21reads )
就算在中国大陆一二线 城市 andy99   (101 bytes , 15reads )
比如新加坡二代移民 andy99   (61 bytes , 21reads )
说不定洗完开着梅赛德斯扬长而去 功夫熊猫   (20 bytes , 16reads )
这个除了缺钱也是联系社会吧 笑天   (78 bytes , 20reads )
对于实体技术行业 andy99   (221 bytes , 29reads )
哇 你senior manager 都瞧不上 vitesse   (62 bytes , 23reads )
看行业,看公司,还有职位定位 andy99   (266 bytes , 24reads )
至于it行业消灭医生律师行业 andy99   (168 bytes , 22reads )
仅仅是填个表而已 spyr   (332 bytes , 26reads )
还是医生律师这2个王牌专业好啊 andy99   (84 bytes , 26reads )
目前看IT收入比较高了。IT的目标是把律师和医生这两个职业消灭掉。 trim   (0 bytes , 19reads )
想的太美了 andy99   (164 bytes , 30reads )
IT码工有可能做IT高管,指挥别人写代码虽然很难,但是也不是没可能啊。律[…] trim   (62 bytes , 24reads )
it高管另当别论 andy99   (91 bytes , 19reads )
IT高管为什么要令当别论呢?从码工做到高管也是本事,怎么要被当另类看呢 trim   (0 bytes , 24reads )
另外二代移民,土生在新加坡 andy99   (208 bytes , 21reads )
我说的是只看钱 andy99   (153 bytes , 24reads )
比的是医生律师和码工,为什么有跑到实体技术去了? trim   (0 bytes , 19reads )
我眼里的码工,不算it高管 andy99   (216 bytes , 14reads )
不要甘于平庸,做圈子里的普通人 trim   (81 bytes , 21reads )
现在看来码工更有可能能创造医生和律师所创造不了的财富 trim   (47 bytes , 24reads )
能暴富的是极少数人 spyr   (194 bytes , 19reads )
下限更高是不是意味着上更低呢? trim   (74 bytes , 25reads )
上限没法比 spyr   (82 bytes , 19reads )
说的对 andy99   (96 bytes , 24reads )
年亲人有点追求,一直求保底?这样不好 trim   (0 bytes , 20reads )
那是你自己的心态 andy99   (61 bytes , 14reads )
你要谈科技创造财富 andy99   (353 bytes , 23reads )
先别提实体行业。咱们先比较医生,律师和码工 trim   (31 bytes , 18reads )
你只要比医生,律师和码工? andy99   (269 bytes , 18reads )
你自己先比的嘛:IT行业高薪码工和医生律师还是有差距的,这可是你说的 trim   (0 bytes , 21reads )
俗就要大俗,雅就要大雅 trim   (323 bytes , 15reads )
我不是某些人,只看钱一条 andy99   (63 bytes , 24reads )
在新加坡来说 andy99   (116 bytes , 21reads )
it行业就没有越老越吃香的说法 spyr   (114 bytes , 17reads )
70岁有工作也不错了 熊维妮   (53 bytes , 19reads )
35之后要看业内的名气,口碑,人脉了 typhoonzj   (49 bytes , 15reads )
英语是特殊历史原因 andy99   (247 bytes , 19reads )
政府不养懒人啊 甘言悦人   (62 bytes , 22reads )
昨天看抖音看到70岁的大爷和68的大妈来着房车在周游祖国 sonatam   (81 bytes , 34reads )
凡尔赛盛行,旅游都变味儿了 山贝   (150 bytes , 40reads )
我同事的老爸,出入境连表格都不会填 spyr   (330 bytes , 22reads )
英语是李老爷子他们定的 andy99   (172 bytes , 29reads )
你想的太多了 spyr   (128 bytes , 20reads )
老李是精英嘛 andy99   (248 bytes , 22reads )
很公平 spyr   (450 bytes , 24reads )
几十年后会改变很多 andy99   (99 bytes , 22reads )
这在新加坡是 Seabass   (8 bytes , 23reads )
Lz不知道三伏天收稻谷的80多岁老年人? 功夫瞎猫   (0 bytes , 26reads )
人各有不同 Worldonly   (448 bytes , 25reads )
不用发愁 花より男子   (156 bytes , 20reads )
建国一代建国那时候没外国人想来新加坡 andy99   (58 bytes , 26reads )
不觉得外劳是牺牲啊 花より男子   (187 bytes , 22reads )
按新加坡标准嘛,毕竟在新加坡土地上挣钱 andy99   (120 bytes , 26reads )
人算不如天算 Seabass   (88 bytes , 21reads )
愿意请70岁员工的雇主心善。 21   (24 bytes , 27reads )
70岁而且非国民还能本地找到洗碗工作,可以说是本地就业环境很好了。 水水水水水水   (180 bytes , 24reads )
70岁的PR或者公民可是餐饮业的香馍馍啊 嘉兽   (347 bytes , 20reads )
莫名其妙就开始对比的 lilybaby2003   (153 bytes , 22reads )
附议 okamotoliiiiii   (2 bytes , 16reads )
哈哈 山贝   (18 bytes , 50reads )
不是35岁以上就 tianyuan11   (18 bytes , 25reads )
工资高的就不要了 Newtimes   (24 bytes , 20reads )
前几天看的新闻 seangoh   (36 bytes , 22reads )