所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2021-05-18 17:47

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WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines should remain highly effective against two coronavirus variants first identified in India, according to new research carried out by US scientists.

The lab-based study was carried out by the NYU Grossman School of Medicine and NYU Langone Center and is considered preliminary because it has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

"What we found is that the vaccine's antibodies are a little bit weaker against the variants, but not enough that we think it would have much of an effect on the protective ability of the vaccines," senior author Nathaniel "Ned" Landau told AFP on Monday (May 17).

The researchers first took blood from people who were vaccinated with either of the two shots, which are predominant in the United States and have been given to more than 150 million Americans.

They then exposed these samples in a lab to engineered pseudovirus particles that contained mutations in the "spike" region of the coronavirus, which were particular to either the B1617 or B1618 variants, first found in India.

Finally, that mixture was exposed to lab-grown cells, to see how many would become infected.

The researchers first took blood from people who were vaccinated with either of the two shots, which are predominant in the United States and have been given to more than 150 million Americans.

They then exposed these samples in a lab to engineered pseudovirus particles that contained mutations in the "spike" region of the coronavirus, which were particular to either the B1617 or B1618 variants, first found in India.

Finally, that mixture was exposed to lab-grown cells, to see how many would become infected.

The coronavirus is known to latch on to a particular receptor on human cells called ACE2, which it uses to force its entry.

Landau's team showed the Indian variants were able to bind more tightly to this receptor, like other variants of concern. This might be linked to its increased transmissibility compared to the original strain.

"Our results lend confidence that current vaccines will provide protection against variants identified to date," the team concluded.

However, they do not preclude the possibility that newer variants that are more resistant to vaccines will emerge - highlighting the importance of widespread vaccination at the global level.

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好消息来了,辉瑞和莫德纳疫苗对B1617和B1618变种毒株有效 hongmeng   (2914 bytes , 9271reads )
说明什么? andy99   (95 bytes , 10reads )
本以为按照年龄段递减的打,没想到政府来这么一招 andy99   (33 bytes , 12reads )
政府大家长的安排来了,40以下成年人先不打,先打适龄学生一族 andy99   (57 bytes , 11reads )
哈哈哈 Blzrd   (10 bytes , 15reads )
暂时倾向辉瑞 andy99   (83 bytes , 11reads )
辉瑞第二针打完了 mltt   (56 bytes , 20reads )
不算坏事,至少知道疫苗正在起作用,哈哈 mltt   (0 bytes , 12reads )
发烧没? Blzrd   (0 bytes , 11reads )
暂时还没有,37.4 mltt   (0 bytes , 13reads )
那还行,过两天再看看 Blzrd   (13 bytes , 12reads )
新加坡自己实验过12到15岁这个年龄段的? andy99   (27 bytes , 11reads )
新加坡自己内部又有不同意见了,关于12到15岁的疫苗种类 andy99   (94 bytes , 25reads )
看了新闻,有的搞笑了 lgland   (76 bytes , 12reads )
新加坡是第一世界国家嘛,应该把疫苗种类扩大,现在2种太少了 andy99   (42 bytes , 13reads )
不可以选是不现实的 mltt   (208 bytes , 9reads )
莫德纳不清楚, 但机场还有医院的染病毒的都是打了辉瑞的疫苗 家琪   (0 bytes , 14reads )
目测这楼得等到 Blzrd   (29 bytes , 13reads )
其实我觉得吧, Blzrd   (43 bytes , 11reads )
25岁的5月没打,到了7月政府安排月打。5月中了,谁的错? andy99   (16 bytes , 18reads )
问题是政府让你打你不打 hongmeng   (33 bytes , 32reads )
随便你吧 andy99   (16 bytes , 11reads )
好啦,我嘴硬你铁齿 hongmeng   (54 bytes , 36reads )
英国很多用阿斯利康的,比例不知道 andy99   (133 bytes , 18reads )
阿利斯康 Blzrd   (104 bytes , 12reads )
我上面提出阿斯利康疫苗在印度的情况,不代表我信。 andy99   (77 bytes , 13reads )
拖到最后就是新加坡政府说,不打没得打,关闭疫苗接种了的时候 andy99   (160 bytes , 16reads )
其实不打疫苗也不犯法 andy99   (56 bytes , 25reads )
60多岁的没办法,搞不好就挂了 andy99   (101 bytes , 14reads )
现在印度变种来了,那么45岁上下的没办法,数据不多 andy99   (206 bytes , 14reads )
这个世界要多几种歧视了 Blzrd   (65 bytes , 13reads )
你不能没立场啊,要不到就死也不打。 苔条麻花   (102 bytes , 10reads )
我从没说我不打 andy99   (314 bytes , 11reads )
多看看,多到什么程度呢? 苔条麻花   (124 bytes , 14reads )
我上面说了我自己的想法 andy99   (268 bytes , 12reads )
我觉得我说得够清楚了, 苔条麻花   (311 bytes , 9reads )
你也是抬杠 andy99   (227 bytes , 14reads )
看到这层真的惹不住笑了。 emilia   (273 bytes , 15reads )
问题是不是大家都这么想啊 andy99   (220 bytes , 9reads )
我才没空抬杠, 苔条麻花   (82 bytes , 14reads )
政府之前混乱 开始不可以选,后开可以选了 andy99   (160 bytes , 14reads )
这怎么可以,政府说了那里算数 hongmeng   (124 bytes , 44reads )
你这来抬扛了 andy99   (209 bytes , 7reads )
1,2个月?太短了 hongmeng   (108 bytes , 38reads )
我说了,大约20周岁可以打之后2周左右约,这个也是个大概时间 andy99   (94 bytes , 10reads )
我本来觉得层主不打疫苗关别层pi事, Blzrd   (82 bytes , 26reads )
16周岁的,20周岁的怎么办?10岁的孩子怎么办? andy99   (36 bytes , 14reads )
我是试图代入其他层主角色去理解他们为啥怼你, Blzrd   (30 bytes , 17reads )
跟十岁一下的一起打最安全, Blzrd   (30 bytes , 9reads )
政府从大局考虑,年纪越大越容易"被病毒搞死" andy99   (148 bytes , 11reads )
政府从大局考虑,年纪越大越容易"被病毒搞死" andy99   (148 bytes , 14reads )
本来越年轻的就越后打,就等于是有时间等了 andy99   (243 bytes , 14reads )
前线系统的,有资格谈条件吗? andy99   (86 bytes , 12reads )
每个人 Newtimes   (48 bytes , 6reads )
有想打的有不想打的 花より男子   (92 bytes , 10reads )
是6-8周吧~ emilia   (31 bytes , 14reads )
说的不错,就是根据自己情况 andy99   (41 bytes , 18reads )
原来andy99是主角 Blzrd   (8 bytes , 8reads )
上的是诺亚方舟还是 Blzrd   (12 bytes , 11reads )
最后假如证明莫德纳比辉瑞好,那么早期前线(被逼)打过辉瑞的那只能认命 andy99   (20 bytes , 13reads )
我到是觉得都是命 hongmeng   (133 bytes , 11reads )
你先"上船"吧 andy99   (64 bytes , 7reads )
目测你总能上个啥的, hongmeng   (75 bytes , 10reads )
楼上几位稍安勿躁 Blzrd   (140 bytes , 10reads )
12岁以下小孩怎么办?也没疫苗啊? andy99   (53 bytes , 16reads )
小孩本来就对这病伤害性不那么大啊 花より男子   (130 bytes , 9reads )
老弱病残没办法,有啥打啥 andy99   (211 bytes , 12reads )
那是因为辉瑞提供了数据和申请, 苔条麻花   (68 bytes , 18reads )
据说有效嘛,要在新加坡土地上,气候下,人种身上验证 andy99   (193 bytes , 15reads )
你要抬杠的话就没完没了了, 苔条麻花   (46 bytes , 14reads )
所以说个人选择嘛 andy99   (193 bytes , 9reads )
到时候也可以再继续抬杠的, 苔条麻花   (134 bytes , 20reads )
不用回复不想马上打疫苗的人了。 emilia   (62 bytes , 14reads )
永远叫不醒 hongmeng   (8 bytes , 20reads )
政府让你今天打,你绝不等到明天。 andy99   (115 bytes , 11reads )
对,我们是小白鼠 hongmeng   (154 bytes , 6reads )
当然信息多点更好,主要是按照成熟疫苗的方式,太细也没必要 andy99   (82 bytes , 15reads )
那来的权衡 hongmeng   (34 bytes , 14reads )
我说的是总体意思 andy99   (283 bytes , 13reads )
都是套路 dera   (222 bytes , 12reads )
要真是这样,新加坡没阿斯利康咋办? andy99   (151 bytes , 13reads )
研究:阿斯利康疫苗对抗B1617变异毒株有效率超过97% andy99   (454 bytes , 26reads )
关键时刻还要靠实体技术 andy99   (89 bytes , 17reads )
制药公司有个P用。 苔条麻花   (32 bytes , 18reads )
疫苗可能还是有点儿用, Blzrd   (107 bytes , 15reads )
没疫苗,欧美自由国度就歇菜了 andy99   (54 bytes , 27reads )
等他们真歇菜了,就会强制隔离了。 苔条麻花   (21 bytes , 25reads )
关键死亡人数 Blzrd   (69 bytes , 18reads )
事情无绝对 andy99   (148 bytes , 15reads )
烦。 苔条麻花   (110 bytes , 12reads )
没错,跟18多少年西班牙病毒期间 Blzrd   (14 bytes , 16reads )
此研究尚未在同行评审的期刊上发表 niubee   (41 bytes , 14reads )
俺们当新闻看 Blzrd   (16 bytes , 15reads )
在美国有用不见得在新加坡有用,比如气候,人种 andy99   (131 bytes , 15reads )
问题严重了就要自保,很正常 andy99   (141 bytes , 12reads )
这个还真站层主这边 南瓜小姐123   (168 bytes , 15reads )
Ebola好像就在非洲厉害 Blzrd   (20 bytes , 13reads )
哈哈哈,是啊 hongmeng   (21 bytes , 14reads )
应该来个竞猜, Blzrd   (28 bytes , 10reads )
也许非洲某些穷国已经变了 andy99   (79 bytes , 15reads )
在你眼里科学家都在睡觉 hongmeng   (4 bytes , 12reads )
科学家要按部就班,不会996(至少欧美的不会) andy99   (160 bytes , 13reads )
层主真会讲 hongmeng   (30 bytes , 10reads )
可能非洲的科学家都在睡觉 Blzrd   (8 bytes , 12reads )
中国5个专家在越南感染了印度变种 andy99   (201 bytes , 16reads )
明显逻辑有问题 hongmeng   (97 bytes , 14reads )
病毒的逻辑谁知道? andy99   (99 bytes , 14reads )
这个 Blzrd   (26 bytes , 15reads )
应该没那么巧合 andy99   (32 bytes , 14reads )
希望这个好消息能让股市在飞一会儿 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (4 bytes , 13reads )
新航反弹很不错埃,为啥论坛没有人提? hongmeng   (8 bytes , 15reads )
最简单直接一个问题 futing189   (52 bytes , 16reads )
打了疫苗也架不住高密度病毒 Blzrd   (14 bytes , 17reads )
前几天看到个数据 hongmeng   (32 bytes , 13reads )
有效是有百分比的 hongmeng   (10 bytes , 9reads )
另外比如政府安排45岁以下6月底到9月打疫苗(举个例子) andy99   (126 bytes , 20reads )
比如chicken pot 疫苗就不是强制打 Blzrd   (44 bytes , 27reads )
我可不想当做早期软件,不行打一个补丁,不行再打一个 andy99   (53 bytes , 26reads )
第三针补丁,听说 Blzrd   (14 bytes , 14reads )
补丁的"码工"们现在也在修改"代码" andy99   (144 bytes , 17reads )
我老突发奇想是不是病毒也穷途末路了 Blzrd   (30 bytes , 11reads )
目测是病毒要突破重围,才来变异 hongmeng   (38 bytes , 17reads )
这话同意, Blzrd   (35 bytes , 14reads )
你可以不打,等打的人都活下来了 hongmeng   (36 bytes , 19reads )
层主不觉得 Blzrd   (38 bytes , 10reads )
继续看吧 andy99   (139 bytes , 17reads )
减少4倍?还剩下原来的25%? 西德拉斯   (0 bytes , 17reads )
可能还有人种,气候环境等其他因素 andy99   (24 bytes , 17reads )
没有数据支撑,这些结论说服力不够啊 阳春   (0 bytes , 33reads )
我的理论是 Blzrd   (61 bytes , 26reads )
再过一个月可能不够 andy99   (208 bytes , 19reads )
通篇连数据比较都没有 居然有“可保持高度有效”的结论。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 18reads )
熊猫又来瞎杠了,写得好清楚 hongmeng   (145 bytes , 18reads )
不懂科研的严禁建议少掺和。。。 数量少三倍, 四倍, 于是结论是高度有效? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 11reads )
来来来,懂科研的熊猫来秀一下你的知道面有多广 hongmeng   (20 bytes , 12reads )
目测是纽约大学医学院的结论 hongmeng   (2489 bytes , 28reads )
这有个屁用啊 国王大道   (21 bytes , 15reads )
Paper 来了 hongmeng   (68 bytes , 14reads )
睁眼说瞎话?? paper 标题是 B.1.526 楼主标题 B1617 1618 ?? 功夫熊猫   (8 bytes , 12reads )
这里有一篇发表在nature medicine的文章链接~ 小菩提   (541 bytes , 10reads )
我硬着头皮读了几段 Blzrd   (51 bytes , 11reads )
算了算了,就当我没问过吧。 国王大道   (0 bytes , 14reads )
好吧,我错了 hongmeng   (25 bytes , 10reads )
Nature medicine Blzrd   (32 bytes , 11reads )
嘿嘿 hongmeng   (40 bytes , 15reads )
没关系 Blzrd   (39 bytes , 9reads )
好,再给连接 hongmeng   (213 bytes , 10reads )
阿三那边说阿斯利康更有效对抗印度变种,你怎么看? andy99   (24 bytes , 12reads )
阿三你愿意信 hongmeng   (6 bytes , 12reads )
我没说信,只是早报也报了 andy99   (276 bytes , 11reads )
WHO说了疫苗对不同人种的影响微乎其微。 emilia   (187 bytes , 11reads )
继续看吧 andy99   (164 bytes , 10reads )
信着有不信着无 hongmeng   (46 bytes , 15reads )
是嘛,你找找看啊,别随后说 andy99   (51 bytes , 13reads )
几百年没看paper了 Blzrd   (32 bytes , 7reads )
新闻里没说发paper了吧 Blzrd   (42 bytes , 11reads )
快去打疫苗吧 hongmeng   (10 bytes , 15reads )