they can pass this proposal
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2021-06-22 18:24  更多评分:

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but may take years to find a way to implement…
how about concerns about double taxation?
are these really the way to narrow income gap between rich and poor? if coorperate taxation increases, who will eventually pay the bill-employees, workers, consumers.

this proposal will score some political points and make some people feel satisfied for a while, but those who pay the taxes may not be those who bear the burden!

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一党独大谈什么创新 何时不删号3   (0 bytes , 15reads )
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G20大概率通过, lgland   (259 bytes , 14reads )
尽管新加坡是很不情愿, 不过G20上很大几率这项建议会通过 家琪   (0 bytes , 23reads )