And this ?
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2021-07-28 20:35  更多评分:

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COVID-19 Update for China

China-Singapore Fast Lane is applicable to essential business or official travel between six Chinese provinces and municipalities (Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces) and Singapore.

The host company or government agency in China will lodge an application on behalf of the applicant with the Foreign Affairs Office or Commerce Authority at the six provinces and municipalities. If the application is approved, an Invitation Letter (PU Letter example) will be issued to the applicant. Currently, you can only get a single-entry visa with a 30 days’ validity with an allowed stay of up to 90 days. There is no quarantine for the 6 Green Lane provinces. Apply for a business visa.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
怎么申请回中国啊? Kitekite   (59 bytes , 4300reads )
道听途说的太多 笑天   (40 bytes , 7reads )
大人的可以办签证,但是孩子的怎么办啊,求助一下,有没有人知道啊。 Daisycoco   (0 bytes , 8reads )
听说可以办团聚签证 MadamSunshine   (207 bytes , 56reads ) 小土   (69 bytes , 9reads )
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这个。。。。 GmailMe   (452 bytes , 7reads )
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隔离啊 上海入境是14+7 GmailMe   (16 bytes , 8reads )
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工作许可和邀请函只要符合条件都是可以办的 flyjc   (428 bytes , 14reads )
这个怕是有什么误解,我了解到的情况如下 GmailMe   (766 bytes , 12reads )
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求问一下怎么搞定的 FinalWings   (165 bytes , 16reads )
是的 flyjc   (150 bytes , 26reads )
北京发了, 上海也发了 OnceMore   (38 bytes , 19reads )
可以搜上面引号中的那句话 GmailMe   (27 bytes , 8reads )
有不是这样回去的吗? Kitekite   (31 bytes , 11reads )
B,C 严控 GmailMe   (6 bytes , 5reads )
层主这么简单,帮我也办一下吧,谢谢了 一点不懂   (0 bytes , 11reads )
但听说小孩不行? 小土   (0 bytes , 9reads )
我贴不了图 GmailMe   (33 bytes , 7reads )
Ooo 小孩也可以哦? 小土   (0 bytes , 13reads )
配偶下面是子女姓名 GmailMe   (35 bytes , 13reads )
And this ? 小土   (742 bytes , 13reads )
多谢哦哦哦🙏 小土   (0 bytes , 10reads )
哦哦哦 小土   (132 bytes , 5reads )
如果有孩子和助理,填上随行人员 GmailMe   (70 bytes , 5reads )
请问一下 Zzzh   (94 bytes , 10reads )
这个链接的13条 GmailMe   (41 bytes , 14reads )
参考上面的批件(原件是中英文) GmailMe   (104 bytes , 6reads )
谢谢 Zzzh   (0 bytes , 12reads )
工作许可证和邀请函是两个东西 flyjc   (254 bytes , 83reads )
我表姐也这么说的。。 小土   (0 bytes , 7reads )
我只知道,凭这个通知 GmailMe   (54 bytes , 8reads )
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长这样 GmailMe   (58 bytes , 12reads )
我朋友也说了 小土   (16 bytes , 8reads )