所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2021-07-29 10:34

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Definitive confirmation of the role of Y. pestis arrived in 2010 with a publication in PLOS Pathogens by Haensch et al.[3][d] They assessed the presence of DNA/RNA with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques for Y. pestis from the tooth sockets in human skeletons from mass graves in northern, central and southern Europe that were associated archaeologically with the Black Death and subsequent resurgences. The authors concluded that this new research, together with prior analyses from the south of France and Germany, "ends the debate about the cause of the Black Death, and unambiguously demonstrates that Y. pestis was the causative agent of the epidemic plague that devastated Europe during the Middle Ages".[3] In 2011, these results were further confirmed with genetic evidence derived from Black Death victims in the East Smithfield burial site in England. Schuenemann et al. concluded in 2011 "that the Black Death in medieval Europe was caused by a variant of Y. pestis that may no longer exist".[46]

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老公的观点是 小土   (301 bytes , 3028reads )
文理这个 小土   (42 bytes , 10reads )
文科生就是这么敏感。 喜大普奔   (55 bytes , 6reads )
文理 我感觉 小土   (25 bytes , 7reads )
你老公是文科生, 喜大普奔   (34 bytes , 10reads )
最近问了他一道题 小土   (128 bytes , 9reads )
不然呢?理科生能娶到老婆吗? 老财   (0 bytes , 7reads )
那当然。社会发展人类进步还得靠理科生, 喜大普奔   (20 bytes , 11reads )
这个。。。 GmailMe   (46 bytes , 8reads )
太平盛世,需要的是理科生。 天涯海角刚好   (132 bytes , 10reads )
不就是说文科生都是搅屎棍呗。 喜大普奔   (14 bytes , 7reads )
我可没这样说, 天涯海角刚好   (26 bytes , 23reads )
是伟人还是恐怖分子,其实就是生不逢时。 喜大普奔   (16 bytes , 9reads )
那是文科生往自己脸上贴金。 喜大普奔   (35 bytes , 5reads )
不敢说你不是 小土   (69 bytes , 11reads )
黑死病给人类带来了文艺复兴 GmailMe   (36 bytes , 6reads )
编继续编 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 8reads )
哇塞 小土   (40 bytes , 7reads )
这是个嗮幸福的帖子嘛 gobackC   (22 bytes , 8reads )
感觉是相反的啊 Kitekite   (46 bytes , 12reads )
本来准备好的 小土   (74 bytes , 11reads )
真想回国,去打科兴疫苗吧 Kitekite   (1005 bytes , 16reads )
被拒绝了。 小土   (13 bytes , 29reads )
大中很过分啊 gobackC   (132 bytes , 10reads )
但我当时也觉得中国厉害的 小土   (68 bytes , 9reads )
团聚赶上了疫情也没办法。 小土   (100 bytes , 8reads )
你很羡慕 lovewahsing   (0 bytes , 9reads )
黑死病跟COVID-19不是一回事 Xinpeace   (66 bytes , 13reads )
都是病毒🦠 小土   (0 bytes , 9reads )
黑死病可不是病毒 Xinpeace   (75 bytes , 7reads )
好像是啊啊 小土   (187 bytes , 6reads )
天花就搞了好久 GmailMe   (132 bytes , 5reads )
黑色病,流行的说法是鼠疫 - 就是细菌 GmailMe   (32 bytes , 7reads )
DNR/RNA 小土   (1016 bytes , 6reads )