所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2022-11-04 14:09

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Deposit Amount (Fresh Funds) Promotional interest rate (p.a.)
S$10,000 – S$49,999 3.4%
S$50,000 – S$499,999 3.7%
S$500,000 – S$999,999 3.8%
S$1,000,000 and above 3.9%
These promotions are available from 4 November 2022 to 30 November 2022.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
纳尼 ocbc 终于也加入了利率内卷 4.65% 功夫熊猫   (29 bytes , 5742reads )
今天早上刚开了个BOC的卡,结果这会儿发现UOB新出的promotion hunter0730   (244 bytes , 12reads )
建议定存都没啥好存的。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 14reads )
重剑无锋 青锋明   (72 bytes , 8reads )
较真儿你最行了 hunter0730   (82 bytes , 9reads )
还会涨 Pattie   (33 bytes , 11reads )
我再去搞搞UOB的账户 hunter0730   (242 bytes , 14reads )
UOB绝了 Pattie   (184 bytes , 12reads )
同样时间online申请 qffyy   (47 bytes , 12reads )
你登录一下uob personal banking看看 hunter0730   (82 bytes , 20reads )
我家有信 Pattie   (18 bytes , 9reads )
应该没轮到我 qffyy   (25 bytes , 9reads )
建议打客服电话 Pattie   (150 bytes , 9reads )
BOC 6个月定存3.15%了 熊维妮   (68 bytes , 19reads )
定存没法灵活调度。。。临时有事怎么搞 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 20reads )
你6个月都没法控制自己要用钱??? 熊维妮   (32 bytes , 12reads )
如果临时有事要用钱呢?? 层主钱多无法理解穷人的需求 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 11reads )
我觉得 Pattie   (76 bytes , 11reads )
疫情时代。。世事难预料, 做好准备比临时抓狂要强一点 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 10reads )
概念就是 小土   (122 bytes , 18reads )
我感觉还有加息 小土   (145 bytes , 15reads )
华侨银行下月起调高360户头利率 最高可达7.65% 功夫熊猫   (2110 bytes , 20reads )
我想说 picaqiu   (63 bytes , 12reads )
不算 随便转转   (346 bytes , 12reads )
多谢黑白君。 小土   (0 bytes , 10reads )
哦哦 Pattie   (37 bytes , 11reads )
只能选一头 Pattie   (82 bytes , 9reads )
这些户头太复杂,普通人算不赢银行 Pattie   (92 bytes , 17reads )
分批分次 切割 小土   (78 bytes , 19reads )
肯定分批 Pattie   (28 bytes , 9reads )
定存?? 灵活性略挫 啊 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 14reads )
啥条件啊 dengguanquelou   (0 bytes , 12reads )
这么多人我就来问问 寒苦草   (138 bytes , 39reads )
我理解就是每月+500 空中楼阁   (82 bytes , 15reads )
就是看平均每天存款额 juliana   (174 bytes , 10reads )
average daily 随白色飞翔   (91 bytes , 15reads )
2个解释目前 寒苦草   (4 bytes , 23reads )
没那么简单,还有工资入账 业余打酱油   (47 bytes , 17reads )
工资发了当然要转走啊 随白色飞翔   (39 bytes , 15reads )
sgd么?还是fixed deposit 三叶草青青   (0 bytes , 16reads )
活期 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 8reads )
我放了10万在boc term deposit 2 year.. 熊熊和河马   (43 bytes , 14reads )
没有penalty Freki   (11 bytes , 12reads )
CIMB, 1.5yrs 3.85% kcowen   (0 bytes , 17reads )
为啥我的2.8而已。。 熊熊和河马   (0 bytes , 10reads )
因为你存的早啊 Freki   (51 bytes , 9reads )
哦耶我刚全部拿出来2.8%的term deposite 熊熊和河马   (25 bytes , 19reads )
请问怎么拿出来的呀 kuku7   (33 bytes , 9reads )
要去柜台弄吗? nianyu   (0 bytes , 15reads )
ibanking mobile 熊熊和河马   (0 bytes , 16reads )
Online 申请开定存户头 bantangfan   (18 bytes , 23reads )
几天吧 熊熊和河马   (0 bytes , 10reads )
BOC 柜台和网银定存利率不一样 Pattie   (52 bytes , 12reads )
谢谢回复 nianyu   (50 bytes , 11reads )
定存? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 8reads )
我也不知道存了啥 熊熊和河马   (23 bytes , 15reads )
boc好像没有penalty 随白色飞翔   (26 bytes , 7reads )
我刚全部转出来了 熊熊和河马   (30 bytes , 14reads )
really? 我就是俠痞   (0 bytes , 10reads )