所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2023-07-27 09:26

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其实如果要处理过期药品, 可以参考 FDA 的建议。 简单来说,拿个塑料袋装药,里面再放些垃圾,然后扔垃圾堆即可。 通常不要把药品倒入水槽和厕所。 除非有些药品可能对他人造成生命危险, FDA 提供了 一份清单, 清单上的药物可以冲洗掉以免造成他人误用的危险。
The FDA recommends putting drugs in a plastic bag with an undesirable substance, such as cat litter or coffee grounds, and throwing them in the garbage,6 which is then taken to a regulated disposal site.

Most unused medicines should not be washed down the sink or toilet. The FDA does provide a "flush list"7 of medications that pose a high risk of misuse or death if improperly taken. Flushing these more dangerous medications can protect others in your household or who might encounter your unused medication in the trash. Never flush any medication not on the list.6,7

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