所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2023-10-12 17:52

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
To use the said premises strictly as a private residence only and not to do or permit to be done upon the said premises any act or thing which may be or may become a nuisance or annoyance to or in any way interfere with the quiet or comfort of any other adjoining occupiers or to give reasonable cause for complaint from the occupants of neighboring premises and not to use the said premises for any unlawful or immoral purposes.

重新进入(right to re-entry) 通常这样

If the rent hereby reserved shall not be paid for X days after its due date or if there shall be a breach of any of the conditions, covenants, or stipulations on the part of the Tenant herein contained, the Landlord shall be entitled to re-enter upon the said premises and there upon this tenancy shall be absolutely determine but without prejudice to any right of action of the Landlord for damage or otherwise in respect of any such breach or any antecedent breach.

(b) In the event the rent remaining unpaid X days after becoming payable (whether formally demanded or not), it shall be lawful for the Landlord to claim interest at ten percent (10%) per annum on the amount unpaid calculated from after the date due to the date of actual payment.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
遇到霸屋的情况怎么办 omyga   (229 bytes , 5969reads )
我有一个主意 haonan   (512 bytes , 10reads )
确实先搞清楚情况 frog2009   (76 bytes , 13reads )
用这个网站查看你家租客的情况 春天华尔兹   (57 bytes , 5reads )
你到底是要赶人还是收组? colinsin2021   (42 bytes , 6reads )
看看能不能從租戶的工作/身份等方面入手 宁缺   (207 bytes , 14reads )
终于有同道中人理解了 小花16   (78 bytes , 13reads )
不是魔法打败魔法 宁缺   (784 bytes , 13reads )
举个例子,说房子有问题 宁缺   (152 bytes , 13reads )
就喜欢这样的智慧锦囊 omyga   (26 bytes , 12reads )
不谢,确实需要见机行事 宁缺   (260 bytes , 7reads )
首先,租客是什么身份 我爱我家2   (32 bytes , 7reads )
想请教为什么外国人好对付 omyga   (55 bytes , 7reads )
外国人如果有违法,失信,或诉讼就很难留下了或者换PR 我爱我家2   (49 bytes , 8reads )
谢谢 omyga   (22 bytes , 5reads )
怕花钱的话 空中华   (67 bytes , 6reads )
认真的 omyga   (2 bytes , 9reads )
先贴告示(NOTICE)再耍流氓 haonan   (199 bytes , 6reads )
有很多人成功的 空中华   (73 bytes , 10reads )
气氛都到这了 家在哪指个方向   (45 bytes , 9reads )
你这种情况很难相应 空中华   (341 bytes , 7reads )
所以说是没戏是吧。 家在哪指个方向   (200 bytes , 7reads )
有些律师 regina2019   (29 bytes , 5reads )
谢谢 omyga   (0 bytes , 4reads )
民事纠纷的话就是很麻烦 花より男子   (325 bytes , 9reads )
你这个合约是长期租约10年 qingni2   (153 bytes , 16reads )
其他方式都有不同程度涉及违法 花より男子   (95 bytes , 9reads )
既然他不认你只认旧屋主 hail99   (190 bytes , 8reads )
奇怪 eyesonme   (69 bytes , 7reads )
还是看看转售手续吧-私人屋子售不破租,仔细读一下 萧武达   (75 bytes , 6reads )
今年底就到期了 omyga   (26 bytes , 5reads )
这就对了, 既然合约是到年底 萧武达   (435 bytes , 8reads )
合约有写这种情况下合约终止 omyga   (139 bytes , 5reads )
如果这样对你就有利了,你还担心什么呢? 萧武达   (250 bytes , 7reads )
如果你的合同是这种,你可以正式写信通知他/她,中止出租,如果不走,就可以打官司 萧武达   (2104 bytes , 8reads )
我的是这样的 omyga   (53 bytes , 8reads )
免打扰条款通常是这样 萧武达   (1221 bytes , 9reads )
确定有些迟付租金或拒付租金多久,合约可以终止吗 萧武达   (248 bytes , 5reads )
合约是 omyga   (35 bytes , 5reads )
满足合约条件,比如到期,不交租金等。 qingni2   (300 bytes , 9reads )
是的清楚了 omyga   (163 bytes , 4reads )
另外就是需要注意保存各种证据,比如租约,交租金的记录等 qingni2   (52 bytes , 6reads )
另外 omyga   (46 bytes , 8reads )
东海岸屋霸,以及森林广场奸商,都是新加坡法制之耻 yhtxc   (0 bytes , 7reads )
自古衙门朝南开,有理没钱莫进来。 qingni2   (226 bytes , 6reads )
被当时的东海岸屋霸的新闻震惊到了 kusubudo   (99 bytes , 6reads )
如果lz能遵循你的第二条,就没有这个问题。 qingni2   (32 bytes , 7reads )
这个要用魔法打败魔法 小花16   (32 bytes , 3reads )
现在的问题不是魔法打败魔法 吃饭积极分子   (198 bytes , 4reads )
如果以装修的名义,每天去房子里涂那种味道很大的涂料 忘忧草tran   (45 bytes , 6reads )
KC33333   (241 bytes , 5reads )
KC33333   (75 bytes , 3reads )
确实要装修 omyga   (34 bytes , 2reads )
可以试试让电台电视台帮你曝光房客 格布   (0 bytes , 3reads )
有问过你的房产交易律师吗, clover_zi   (10 bytes , 4reads )
是的,我要问 omyga   (30 bytes , 5reads )
Maybe haonan   (24 bytes , 8reads )
简单背景就是换了新屋主租客住了10 年估计是有感情一直不承认新屋主。 qingni2   (101 bytes , 7reads )
之前交给老屋主一个月 omyga   (101 bytes , 8reads )
最好还是上门了解下实际情况,带上证明文件 qingni2   (482 bytes , 8reads )
屋主既然有权利进入, omyga   (39 bytes , 7reads )
看了案例 omyga   (50 bytes , 11reads )
等法庭的强制令要数月,拿到强制令租客可以继续无视。 qingni2   (130 bytes , 6reads )
哎好可怕啊 omyga   (198 bytes , 7reads )
这是谎言 yhtxc   (184 bytes , 4reads )
不一定要再签新合约 逃跑的菲菜   (127 bytes , 5reads )
感觉是楼主是假设了一个场景,让大家出主意, qingni2   (106 bytes , 4reads )
是真实情况,如果有出入是我表述不好 omyga   (143 bytes , 2reads )
是真实情况,如果有出入是我表述不好 omyga   (330 bytes , 4reads )
真是这样的,就打电话叫警察来处理。 qingni2   (479 bytes , 3reads )
警察肯定不会介入调解 花より男子   (308 bytes , 4reads )
因为有合约。属于民事纠纷  警察没有权利介入解读合约判断对错 qingni2   (328 bytes , 7reads )
不认为警察会介入去读合约 花より男子   (250 bytes , 9reads )
你说的对,警察不会接入合同的细节, qingni2   (66 bytes , 3reads )
谢谢很实用的建议 omyga   (368 bytes , 7reads )
看你的情况,你很可能被前屋主忽悠,连租约都没有提供。 qingni2   (906 bytes , 8reads )
再请教一下 omyga   (169 bytes , 6reads )
他肯定知道换屋主了也知道新屋主是谁 omyga   (104 bytes , 6reads )
看屋主实力了 zy60013833   (246 bytes , 9reads )
不够狠 omyga   (58 bytes , 8reads )
不要出馊主意,这是让屋主分分钟钟坐牢的节奏。 qingni2   (66 bytes , 7reads )
第一招如果有冲突可能违法 zy60013833   (14 bytes , 5reads )
第二招完全合法 qingni2   (286 bytes , 6reads )
确认一下 omyga   (14 bytes , 5reads )
去试试看 逃跑的菲菜   (73 bytes , 3reads )
给普下法呗, 鸡兔同笼01   (142 bytes , 7reads )
假如你今天回家,突然发现有陌生人住在里面, qingni2   (236 bytes , 4reads )
转移话题很厉害,很有大国风范。 鸡兔同笼01   (214 bytes , 5reads )
中介是前屋主的中介 omyga   (115 bytes , 3reads )
不要对律师报太多希望,他们要对自己说的话负责, qingni2   (126 bytes , 7reads )
只能出奇制胜 omyga   (434 bytes , 4reads )
是买了带租约的房子 omyga   (186 bytes , 8reads )
你的律师失职 逃跑的菲菜   (47 bytes , 3reads )
带租约的房子就麻烦了, 鸡兔同笼01   (98 bytes , 7reads )
谢谢! omyga   (60 bytes , 5reads )
所以请教安全又聪明的做法 omyga   (190 bytes , 8reads )
还有这种事儿 我爱读书   (12 bytes , 7reads )
想想东海岸的屋霸。。。。 乔巴巴   (0 bytes , 10reads )