所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2023-10-24 16:29  更多评分:

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I have 280k in medical school loans. My wife has 0 student loan. My parents agreed to pay off my loans so I can save on paying interest. My wife knew about these loans prior to marriage and understood I would need to pay my parents back. My wife now does not think it’s fair she came with no student loans. I make around 6x more than my wife bc of my education. My wife thinks her parents are being punished for having paid off all her education (college and masters). My wife also points out her parents helped substantially in raising our two kids for the last 5 years (cooking, cleaning, taking the babies at night, live in babysitting, etc) while we work. I owe my parents 280k. Wife wants us to pay her parents 280k as well.

Edit: Wife’s parents paid around 200k of her education which we are not expected to pay back. Wife’s parents are well off financially and do not need money. Wife parents love their daughter and wanted to help with the kids for free. But we paid them 1000 a month.

Edit 2: In laws do not need or want the money for her education. This is only my wife wanting fairness partially attributed by cultural differences in which parents are expected to pay for all upbringing of children including higher education. I however grew up in the States and do not have the expectation that my parents owe me this.

Edit 3: In laws spend the 1000 we pay them to buy groceries for us and to buy things for the kids. If we proceed with paying wife’s parents for student loans, I am certain they won’t spend a dime of it. They will likely leave it for our kids or eventually for us. Her culture expects us to take care of her parents when they get older, living with us, and supported financially. I plan on doing the same for my parents.
该帖荣获当日十大第6,奖励楼主8分以及12华新币,时间:2023-10-24 22:00:02。

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