除了曼德拉的invictus , I also dig into this
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2024-07-26 18:53

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

I asked for strength
and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom
and God gave me problems to learn to solve.
I asked for prosperity
and God gave me a brain and brawn to work.
I asked for courage
and God gave me dangers to overcome.
I asked for love
and God gave me people to help.
I asked for favours
and God gave me opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted.
I received everything I needed.

—  Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Soul of Money  by Lynne Twist

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
朋友诉苦,想请教大家如果是你该怎么办 酸乳酪   (619 bytes , 7719reads )
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除了曼德拉的invictus , I also dig into this 小土   (1547 bytes , 5reads )
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应该发FB 第三天   (43 bytes , 3reads )
行行行 你们厉害你们对 lxl1990   (94 bytes , 4reads )
你给不了一点意见 熊维妮   (132 bytes , 2reads )
对呀本人很软弱压根不知道怎么办呢 lxl1990   (40 bytes , 1reads )
关键是下一次 老好人   (80 bytes , 3reads )
已婚妇女,自己懂得怎么把握 萧武达   (4 bytes , 5reads )
跟上一级投诉啊 wangjimingzi   (54 bytes , 6reads )
家庭重要还是事业重要 熊熊和河马   (375 bytes , 6reads )
你不在那个圈子 小土   (164 bytes , 6reads )
职场好像没遇到过, 小土   (595 bytes , 10reads )
妈味这个建议好 Erencie   (216 bytes , 8reads )
但是呢 小土   (93 bytes , 5reads )
老板美国人,直接跟他谈台湾问题 小小的大象   (15 bytes , 4reads )
机智! 我爱吃土豆   (10 bytes , 2reads )
既然吃饭时候已经让你朋友 熊维妮   (226 bytes , 8reads )
你这回复未免太mean了 lxl1990   (219 bytes , 4reads )
同感。 小土   (67 bytes , 4reads )
再说一次 熊维妮   (269 bytes , 3reads )
+1,反应不过来 小馋牛   (189 bytes , 3reads )
有一说一 我爱吃土豆   (381 bytes , 8reads )
不知道该如何处理? Blzrd   (67 bytes , 3reads )
如果角色对换 happyforyousel   (66 bytes , 3reads )
说just us的时候不知道该怎么回应还情有可原 小馋牛   (94 bytes , 7reads )
可能真爱呢 小土   (218 bytes , 4reads )
你这有点离谱啊 liudehua   (77 bytes , 3reads )
benefit of doubt 小土   (110 bytes , 1reads )
真爱就麻溜离了吧 小馋牛   (239 bytes , 7reads )
魂断蓝桥里面 小土   (54 bytes , 1reads )
不想得罪人可以用开玩笑的方式把自己的立场说出来 小小的大象   (50 bytes , 6reads )
中国有句古话,人在做,天在看 yhtxc   (0 bytes , 3reads )
尔食尔禄,民脂民膏。下属易虐,上天难欺! 小小的大象   (0 bytes , 7reads )
都是女人这是第一 小土   (588 bytes , 3reads )
支持+1 youyouy2k   (91 bytes , 2reads )
支持+1 qingni2   (66 bytes , 1reads )
我倒不是非黑即白看 小土   (81 bytes , 3reads )
反正说来说去你就是觉得女的反应不过来就是女的的错 lxl1990   (169 bytes , 8reads )
还有我说上司有大问题 熊维妮   (143 bytes , 1reads )
同意你, Blzrd   (71 bytes , 3reads )
我强调的是要自救 熊维妮   (323 bytes , 1reads )
不知道年龄多大 小土   (310 bytes , 4reads )
她老板没送她,自己打车回的,陪她等的车 酸乳酪   (0 bytes , 2reads )
略恶心是真的 小土   (23 bytes , 3reads )
我的意见:在公司回避 熊维妮   (205 bytes , 1reads )
连这种细节都有 老好人   (14 bytes , 2reads )
是吗? 熊维妮   (282 bytes , 1reads )
我觉得过去的事情就 小土   (359 bytes , 4reads )
无中生友? 咖啡真苦   (100 bytes , 6reads )
中外都有反s成功案例 Pattie   (61 bytes , 1reads )
言语行为都算职场性骚扰了 hdbdweller   (74 bytes , 2reads )
留证据举报给HR啊。 阿拉玛   (0 bytes , 3reads )
拒绝可能被穿小鞋? Seven116   (120 bytes , 4reads )
漂亮+有底线,优秀如你 小小的大象   (0 bytes , 4reads )
妥妥职场骚扰啊 Penny1100   (29 bytes , 5reads )
能问出来这种情况正常吗是不是本身就不太正常 冬至   (286 bytes , 7reads )
朋友等于我系列 ? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 6reads )
直接向管几千人的老板report yhtxc   (52 bytes , 3reads )
不过是个高管也不是真老板 lioncity_sg   (73 bytes , 6reads )
这贴, 鸡兔同笼01   (91 bytes , 3reads )
今天又是一大, 鸡兔同笼01   (54 bytes , 3reads )
学下熊猫的口吻 cqb3172   (28 bytes , 6reads )
从心理学角度分析, cosine   (111 bytes , 7reads )
怎么解? 酸乳酪   (0 bytes , 8reads )
因为我和朋友公司背景很不同 酸乳酪   (111 bytes , 9reads )
老板在公司里面也对下属异性直接来舔脸吻嘛? liudehua   (24 bytes , 3reads )
如果是老外 必须的08   (12 bytes , 5reads )
美国文化表示不背这口锅 小小的大象   (0 bytes , 5reads )
还有细节,中年,已婚有娃 yhtxc   (0 bytes , 4reads )
是说潜意识? happyforyousel   (0 bytes , 3reads )
你说的那个朋友是不是你自己? 小小的大象   (0 bytes , 5reads )
这真是职场噩梦啊 必须的08   (0 bytes , 6reads )
老板的行为还不出格吗? 54qnian   (120 bytes , 6reads )
这肯定不正常啊 yhtxc   (71 bytes , 4reads )
想想我们,女老板和男男女女下属一群人一起吃饭唱K,女老板拍过男下属的肩膀 hunter0730   (42 bytes , 9reads )
哎呀 Zzfzf2012   (28 bytes , 3reads )
next few hours, just us ok? hunter0730   (0 bytes , 6reads )