所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2002-12-28 14:15

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1. 有朋友讲GEM200CM也不容易拿分。
我选了GEM1009K Legal Enviroment of Business是因为它是开卷考试,中间没有Project.它会难拿分吗?
Open-book exam does not mean that the exam is easy, or even harder. IT1002 is open-book exam also. But my experience is that, if you understand it, then you can definitely do it; if you don't understand it, open-book will not help you too much.

2. 我从来就没接触过编程,学IT1002会有困难吧?
i had the same question too when I decided whether chose the module or not. But after one semester of study and finally got the result, i know it is not a problem for most Chinese student. Of course you must study carefully, no playing through out the sem.

note: I have to repeat, above are all personal experience, checking the module details and past year paper is very important for your choosing of modules.

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