It's now possible to REFUND promotion tickets from
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2003-04-27 21:24  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
China Eastern, if the tickets were bought by the end of march.

Full Refund
Need to pay travel agency necessary fees for cancellation. (25 to 50 S$)

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It's now possible to REFUND promotion tickets from Daf   (148 bytes , 778reads )
消息可靠吗??? Rick   (0 bytes , 236reads )
sure. I got the refund voucher yesterday already. Daf   (150 bytes , 280reads )
Great News !!!!!!!!!!! Rick   (0 bytes , 254reads )
PUSH Rookkie   (0 bytes , 225reads )