use partition magic
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2003-06-05 13:41

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make 2 boot disks, use the boot disks to boot ur computer, then just use partition magic to format

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
硬盘不能格式化怎么办? 博逸   (46 bytes , 415reads )
use partition magic 呵呵~   (98 bytes , 233reads )
sometimes lifeTaster   (188 bytes , 184reads )
"不能格式化" meaning? Flying   (30 bytes , 237reads )
it said "windows is unable to complete formatting" 博逸   (34 bytes , 188reads )
No, I mean... Flying   (144 bytes , 188reads )
因为检测到有坏道,有时它会消失,打算处理一下 博逸   (55 bytes , 160reads )
Formatting process can always mark bad sectors... Flying   (362 bytes , 203reads )
thanks, i will try 博逸   (0 bytes , 173reads )
我的第二块硬盘的一个分区,其他分区可以 博逸   (15 bytes , 139reads )