Check it in KDict and you'll learn more. It can be
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pronounced /li'nuks/.

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who knows how to pronounce the word "LINUX" ? 古龙   (0 bytes , 691reads )
Check it in KDict and you'll learn more. It can be Neo_II_   (21 bytes , 299reads )
two standard pronunications as far as I know: 老布什   (79 bytes , 228reads )
/Lin^ks/ MrDJay   (26 bytes , 211reads )
好像有很多人念/liniks/ VeryGood   (0 bytes , 220reads )
音标不能识别,应该是^(短音a)弱化 香陵居士   (16 bytes , 220reads )
/linQks/,其中Q弱化 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 261reads )
里纳克斯。 留名   (0 bytes , 201reads )