so many ppl have changed their harddisks
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2003-10-19 23:08

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just go ahead to change the disk

it is impossible for a harddisk to be integrated with CPU or motherboard -- that's a terrible design

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关于笔记本电脑的问题 翔龙   (40 bytes , 716reads )
so many ppl have changed their harddisks box   (136 bytes , 207reads )
笔记本的硬盘是外插的话可以独立换的 dog13572468   (0 bytes , 214reads )
如果不是外插的呢 翔龙   (26 bytes , 322reads )
为什么要连主板一齐换呢?莫非你想换CPU? 飞儿NUS   (0 bytes , 229reads )
不是啊。。 翔龙   (53 bytes , 294reads )