one more point to show hand
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2004-07-04 23:45

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

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msn高手请进!急死我了! 小平夸我长得帅   (683 bytes , 598reads )
The reason is that ... 天生不是情造   (341 bytes , 530reads )
one more point to show hand 天生不是情造   (2 bytes , 339reads )
谢谢各位。又有奇怪现象了…… 小平夸我长得帅   (368 bytes , 210reads )
我也是前几天突然开始,老是自动sign out ,大约每3-4分钟一次. 持续不断. 临江仙   (109 bytes , 180reads )
If you are using WinXP... Flying   (193 bytes , 256reads )
i don't qutie agree with you 逃课专家   (410 bytes , 275reads )
Well... I haven't been keep track with MSN Messenger. Flying   (268 bytes , 223reads )