B1/B2 visa to US, Please help
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2006-10-11 17:18

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I was interviewed on 27th Sep 06 for application of B1/B2 visa to US. I am representing my school (a government board educational institution) for a conference on IT. I am Singapore PR since 2002. I got degree and master from NTU.

The interviewer said in principal my visa is approved. But I need to submit my CV and paper abstract for administrative checks. I did so.

Today I send email to check on the status of my visa application, I get the reply saying it is still under processing. My flight is on 19th Oct. Anyone has this kind of experience before? Is there any way to speed up the process?


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B1/B2 visa to US, Please help 简一   (605 bytes , 932reads )
简一, 那你拿到visa了吗? maze   (83 bytes , 388reads )
周围几个人,包括我都是最近两个月签B1/B2,无疑例外被check vivijane   (78 bytes , 516reads )
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不是大使馆,是XXX@state.gov发信给你,告诉你approve了 vivijane   (226 bytes , 437reads )
很抱歉,只能看运气了。 TPMT   (133 bytes , 391reads )
你也是申请B1/B2签证吗?请问你什么时候去INTERVIEW的? 简一   (146 bytes , 430reads )
也是B1/B2。我9月28去的,不过我要去的conference在12月。 TPMT   (214 bytes , 380reads )